I was a little disappointed at the condition of some of the caravans that I visited at the show. I appreciate some had undergone a few days heavy foot traffic but !
Handles and fittings loose.
Doors not closing correctly with a poor fit.
Exposed wiring on show running inside wardrobes.
Hot and cold water pipes exposed that were on the inside of an external hatch to under bed storage.
Quality of the plastic vessels in bathrooms, one was cracked.
I was very impressed with some of the German brands, just wish they would offer doors on the UK side.
Handles and fittings loose.
Doors not closing correctly with a poor fit.
Exposed wiring on show running inside wardrobes.
Hot and cold water pipes exposed that were on the inside of an external hatch to under bed storage.
Quality of the plastic vessels in bathrooms, one was cracked.
I was very impressed with some of the German brands, just wish they would offer doors on the UK side.