New Bailey Pageants

Jan 28, 2007
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We ordered our new Bailey Pageant Bordeaux on the 4th Jan. We collected it last Thursday..24th Jan. We were told that 'a slight problem' was that the van had been sent minus the Omnivent Fan which should have been in the rooflight over the kitchen area. The dealer assured us that Bailey would come out to fit one a.s.a.p. on our own premises. Has anyone had this happen to them before? We accepted his word for it and took the van away.

However...over the weekend while checking out the paperwork which comes with the van...we discovered that the electrical and gas certificates had been signed off on 30th. of October 2006. As we were assured before we placed the order that we would be receiving a 'factory fresh' model I was dismayed as we were told that the new caravans were delivered to the dealer 48hrs. after leaving the assembly line. This led us to further examine the van and equipment.

We found:1) the tyres fitted onto the chassis by Bailey are dated 42/05. meaning they were made in the 42nd week of 2005 (which means they are already 15 months old!) If we follow Caravan Club recommendations to change the tyres after 4 years we are already disadvantaged!

2) the rooflights which should be Heki rooflights are still the original Remis ones. As it happens ...I prefer these but should have been advised that the spec. of the caravan was not as described in the brochure.

I would be grateful for any of your comments on this as I feel that I have been cheated in some way! Thanks in advance.
Aug 28, 2005
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Hi Maureen , we have had 2 brand new vans from Bailey ,and each time chipping sodbury caravans told us the build date ,and the time we could pick it up ,usually a week after the build date but overall we waited about 3 months each time ,you seem to have got yours very quick , i am just wondering if its been a show model and been hanging around the show room for a long time
Mar 17, 2005
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Hi - the van sounds to be exactly like the one I saw at the NEC in October 06; that did not have a fan either. Suggest contact Bailey with caravan number - Kelly Watts on their helpline is excellent - to find out when produced and explain what appears to be the case. We too have waited 3 months for a new van - our Burgundy came 3 weeks ago. Contact the CC or CCC legal dept might be helpful.

Mar 14, 2005
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The first of the new Baileys I saw was minus the Omnivent and this was noted on the peperwork inside a locker!

That was a Monarch I would think.

We ordered our Oklahoma and it took 6 months but it was NEW

The paint was dry but the copper pipe underneath was gleaming

As we took delivery in 13th Jan it must have been less than a week old.

It doesn't make a lot of difference if any to the value and I wouldn't worry about the tyres as they have not been subject to flexing under load.

We have had "new" vans that have been 18 months old and have been perfect with no problems so I wouldn't let it bother you if everything is OK
Mar 15, 2006
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Hi Maureen

Sorry you are not happy with your van.

We picked our series 6 Burgundy up 16th December, it's a shame you missed my thread I mentioned in it that the van had changes. Apparently Bailey did not change over to the new fan and sent letters out to dealers prior to picking our van up. We never got notified of any changes, when we asked why they didn't tell us, they said that the notice is up in the showroom, no good if you live 60 miles away like us.

Also the Heki roof light is a no go. Your dealer what very naughty saying you would receive these items, because I new in December when I picked our van up they were not going to happen.

Keep us informed how you get on.

Good Luck

Jul 22, 2005
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Maureen shame about your new van, do you by any chance live in/near the south lanarkshire area if so we probably attended the main Bailey dealer there who are extremely nice. We went off to look at the new pageant and liked the look of it so much that our 'wee look' turned into us talking money with one of the sales chap (again very nice) i asked about what would happen if there was things that werent up to scratch or not happy with would they be fixed and he basically said if it was manufacturers fault then yes but if it was eg the cupboards not properly lined up then no as i was only buying a 12,000 caravan and if it was quality i was looking for then i should move up to the 16-17 grand! i think it sad they are not built the same regardless of how much they cost. so i have decided to stick to my Ranger which i know to be a faithful old girl. On the other hand is
Jan 28, 2007
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Hi everyone...many thanks for all your input. I am checking with Bailey this morning and then will tackle the dealer!!!

I will letyou know the outcome.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Maureen good luck with Bailey

I have found customer services to be helpful

Further to my earlier comments I don't blame you for being unhappy that the van isn't as "new" as you have been led to expect but at the end of the day if its Ok I would accept it.

We bought our previous van 4 years ago and were "very lucky" to get an ex showroom model as there was a long waiting list then and we wanted to book ferries etc

We had absolutely no problems with it and it was just as good as one that had just rolled off the production line.

Here's hoping that things are resolved to your satisfaction but don't let it spoil the "new" van and your enjoyment of it.

Many new vans on the forecourt will be older than yours
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Maureen, Our last van was a Pageant,but looking at the new range of series 5 Rangers , we decided to buy their 460/4 fixed bed model.The only main difference between the Pageants and Rangers that we would have liked is the Omnivent fan, the rest apart from the one large front window which we have found to be excellent for un restricted views, are extras which add up to about
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Maureen, Our last van was a Pageant,but looking at the new range of series 5 Rangers , we decided to buy their 460/4 fixed bed model.The only main difference between the Pageants and Rangers that we would have liked is the Omnivent fan, the rest apart from the one large front window which we have found to be excellent for un restricted views, are extras which add up to about
Jan 28, 2007
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Update: Pleased to tell you that my dealer has come up trumps and is going to 'fast-track' tha supply of my missing Remis Fan and is exchanging our 2005 tyres for ones that were manufactured nearer to the 'birthdate' of the caravan!!!

I'm not so impressed with Bailey's response...which was very lukewarm with regard to the age of the tyres. They reckoned that they had no control over the manufacturing date and were not at all interested in any of my queries!

Thanks again for all your interest and good luck with your own purchases.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Maureen,

We took delivery of our new Burgendy 20th Jan. But previously to this I saw Allysons posting in December about the Remis Roof extractor and Remis roof lights not being fitted and replaced by Heki and Omnivent. I tried the dealer just prior to Christmas and they had shut down for Christmas for a accessory shop refit. I spoke to Bailey who said that this had been done because the Remis extractor fan was not efficent? On contacting the dealer in the New Year I explained that the main reason that I bought the Pagent was the Remis roof light system and was not at all happy. Dealer phoned me back that day after contacting Bailey and they said they would send the Remis Extractor fan system for the dealer to fit. Van arrives NO Remis, it seems Bailey said it was a different size to the Omnivent! We came very close to cancelling the whole deal under the Trade Descriptions Act for a start, but the dealer gave us compensation and agreed that if we could obtain a Remis they would fit it without invalidating the Warrenty.

I really do NOT hope to see the Remis system that was fitted to the Burgendy suddenly appear on the New Senator Series 6 when they get round to it as at the time of purchasing at the NEC in October apart from the extra 4" width there was little to seperate to two models. If it does apper on the Senator I will be really Miffed. Other wise happy with the Burgendy but NOT Bailey.

Jan 28, 2007
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Hi Maureen,

We took delivery of our new Burgendy 20th Jan. But previously to this I saw Allysons posting in December about the Remis Roof extractor and Remis roof lights not being fitted and replaced by Heki and Omnivent. I tried the dealer just prior to Christmas and they had shut down for Christmas for a accessory shop refit. I spoke to Bailey who said that this had been done because the Remis extractor fan was not efficent? On contacting the dealer in the New Year I explained that the main reason that I bought the Pagent was the Remis roof light system and was not at all happy. Dealer phoned me back that day after contacting Bailey and they said they would send the Remis Extractor fan system for the dealer to fit. Van arrives NO Remis, it seems Bailey said it was a different size to the Omnivent! We came very close to cancelling the whole deal under the Trade Descriptions Act for a start, but the dealer gave us compensation and agreed that if we could obtain a Remis they would fit it without invalidating the Warrenty.

I really do NOT hope to see the Remis system that was fitted to the Burgendy suddenly appear on the New Senator Series 6 when they get round to it as at the time of purchasing at the NEC in October apart from the extra 4" width there was little to seperate to two models. If it does apper on the Senator I will be really Miffed. Other wise happy with the Burgendy but NOT Bailey.

Hi Rob....sorry to hear of your problems..rather similar to mine? I think the excuse Bailey came up with about the Remis not being as efficient was probably rubbish!!! Anything to get you off their case! Let's hope we both get satisfaction in the end! Regards....Maureen
Mar 14, 2005
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This is what Bailey say on their website:

Omnivent dual action rooflight mounted extractor fan

Remis flyscreen and sunblinds to principal windows

Remis flyscreen and sunblind to 4 way rooflight in saloon

Remis full length flyscreen to exterior door

Fitted doorwell mat

Analogue clock


Heki II tilting sunroof with ceiling lighting surround

Mini-Heki sunroof located over rear bedroom (model specific)

Radio/CD/MP3 player

We asked if it was possible to have a large Remis/Heki over the bed but Bailey refused to fit one --not a surprise.

The Omnivent in the Senator works really well
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John,

Hope you are well. I know where you are coming from but, When we bought from the NEC on the 17th October the specification I saw made up our minds on buying the Burgendy. We spent a considerable amount of time going between the Indiana and the Burgendy and in the end the Burgendy won because of the remis system and we did a deal with a local dealer who was at the show. My main gripe is 1. The van I saw I wanted because of a major factor e.g the Remis system, I know there is nothing wrong with the Heki or omnivent system as we had them on our previous van. But my wife is 5'2" and can open a heki but can't close it unless she climbs on something. 2 The remis extracror fan system not only gives ventilation but a considerable amount of light over the kitchen area. 3.The crank roof system of the Remis Allows my wife to close and open the roof lights as required. 4. The Dealer did not inform me of any changes to the specification at the show or any other time, I had to tell them in January after their shut down and the dealer said they were aware but not till just before Christmas. The bailey burgendy sales broucher states that Bailey can change specification at any time and your suppling dealer will give you the latest spec at the time of purchase. The time of purchase was the 17th October and the spec was with the Remis roof system. Not the Heki.

As you can see John I am not a Happy chappy.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Rob thanks for the good wishes and yes I am amazingly well --touch wood.Hope that you are the same

I totally see where you are coming from and sympathise with your viewpoint.

I was just trying to sugar the bitter pill by saying that the omnivent etc is still OK kit.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi John,

Thanks for the buffer.

the van is fine,but I am really fed up with the situation. I teach and tutor students in the motor industry and the first part of the teaching is treat your customers like they do not matter they will take their business else where and one bad word multiplies ten fold by ten fold by ten fold. Thus customer retention is reduced and eventually you may not have any customers.

I am not knocking the build quality of the Bailey but what I am knocking is their promotion of a model and their failiure to deliver the specification seen. The trade descriptions act states that the product supplied must be as the sample seen/described as I know you already know! But do others in this country know this?

Take Care

Regards Rob
Dec 16, 2003
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Most manufacturers have to rely on other suppliers to supply all the parts needed to complete a build. Other suppliers can have various supply problems so Bailey state - "This brochure does not constitute an offer by Bailey Caravans Ltd (Bailey). Bailey reserves the right to

alter specifications and prices as market and supply conditions demand. Your Bailey retailer will confirm

all specification details prior to you making your purchasing decision. E. & O. E.

Bailey retailers sell our products of their own choice and not as agents of Bailey. Accordingly they have

no authority to bind Bailey or to make any representation or undertaking whatsoever on behalf of Bailey."

Bailey reserve the right to change the spec it clearly says, and you dealer should inform you of any changes. Your beef it seems should be with the dealer. If Bailey have not informed them of changes that is for them to sort out.

Is the point of purchasing decision when you place the order or when you pay up in full and take delivery.


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