New Caravan!

Mar 27, 2011
Well never a dull moment, I bought the new Kampa air a few days ago knowing full well that whatever awning I bought I would always have a minor problem as awnings are made in general for caravan heights between 235 & 255, our van because it's 1999 Avondale is 217 so I always have to just do the best I can by nipping and tucking here and there but I've been out today and bought a 2008 Bailey Ranger 460/4, we are sooooo excited, hope to pick it up in next couple of days, fixed bed with seats at front to make into the other 2, we love the Avondale but it's going to be good to have a van that's a bit more modern it's in great condition, so no more struggling to make the awning fit lol.

Oct 12, 2013
excellent ! You'll not know yourselves ! dont mention awnings to me , spent 2 hours cleaning the mud off ours today after our last weekend away !!! :woohoo:

Hope you enjoy your new toy .
Happy caravaning ( and easier awning put up )
Craig :)
Mar 27, 2011
Cheers Craig, I'm sure we will, I got a real good deal on the van, unfortunately the lady selling it was widowed 6 months ago so van had to go, they have owned it from new and really well looked after, the cooker has never been used as always cooked on a bbq, the seats have always been covered so are pristine not even any dust in the under seat cupboards, outside needs a good clean and polish and good to go, has only ever been used for around 4 weeks a year and not at all for over 18 months, obviously sad that she's been widowed but for me it's really been a good day.

May 24, 2014
The Bailey Ranger, only caravan I have ever had that was completely reliable and never cost me a penny in repairs. Happy Days.
May 7, 2012
Congratulations and here's hoping all goes well. Our neighbour had a Ranger and was very happy with it. Only hiccup was when he went to collect it, the larger roof light he had asked them to fit was on the wrong caravan. One very embarrassed dealer!
Oct 8, 2006
One word of advice to the OP - check the noseweight before you tow. Bailey's can be a bit on the heavy side, e.g. the Unicorn 1 was 88Kg ex works against out Peg 462 which was only 67Kg. With the U2 and later U3 they repositioned lots of bits and pieces to get the noseweight into a more comfortable arena for most cars.


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