Hi Anthony,
It's probably a leak around the window rubber, but by no means certain - water has this tendency to run along battens or other internal structures and end up somewhere different to the actual leak.
But assuming it's the window rubber:
1. The rubber is sealed to the van with a butyl mastic bead - and years ago some manufacturers cut the quality corner - and the cheap or thin mastic hasn't lasted as it should.
2. Remove the window - should slide out sideways
3. Remove the rubber - there should be a load of staples under a central trim strip
4. Remove the old mastic with white spirit
5. Apply new mastic (and a new window rubber) and refit.
This doesn't address the issue of what to do with the damp wall - this will need drying out - nor anything to do with the interior skin - and any rot you may have.
Probably best to buy a copy of the Haynes Caravan manual from Halfords (around