
Mar 3, 2014
Hi everyone. My wife and I are about to join the caravanning world. The choice of caravans is staggering as is selecting the correct tow car. We have been looking around at different makes and models and have only confused ourselves even more !! Please be patient as I will probably be asking many a daft question that most of you will have heard several times before as we dive into this wonderful exiting new world.
Feb 4, 2014
Hi Nick & Mrs Nick, welcome to the forum, and wishing you the best of luck in your search for the outfit of your dreams. I feel quite excited your behalf! Happy hunting! You will find lots of helpful advice on this site.
Jan 15, 2011
Welcome to the Forum Nick.
I'm sure you will get some good advice. From the many experienced members of the Forum.
Best wishes Brian
Feb 3, 2008
Welcome to the forum.

You can start narrowing your choice by deciding how many berths you need and whether you want a fixed bed or not, then bathroom layout.

When you actually buy a van take an experienced 'vanner with you.
Apr 20, 2009

To the Forum Nick, bit of an headache to start with but once you get there it's great fun, ask away and you will get the answer's


Mar 14, 2005
Welcome to the PCV website and congratulations on deciding to give the world of caravans a try.
You may well ask many questions , but none are silly or stupid, we may have been asked them a hundred times, but to you and your wife it is all new, and there will be things that you want to know, and it s better to ask beforehand rather than guessing and giving yourselves a hard time when it is not necessary.

The first thing to remember is if you are buying from a Dealer, make sure you see everything working before parting with any money, and what guarantee they will give you.
If buying privately, get a mobile engineer to give the prospective van a pre purchase inspection and get the owner to show you everything working.
The PPI will cost you around £60, but may save you thousands on a damp van.


Nov 12, 2009
Hi Nick (and Mrs Nick), welcome to the forum and I hope that you'll enjoy deciding what sort of caravan you like best and choosing it from the many that are for sale.
I'm not sure if you were considering buying a new caravan or one that is pre-owned, but it might be worth having a browse through the Caravan Buyers Guide to see which pitfalls can easily be avoided with a bit of research before parting with money. Click Here
If there's anything at all that you're not sure of just ask, we're always glad to be able to help and as my good friend Damian mentioned, a silly question is only silly if it's the one that you should have asked- but didn't.
Enjoy........ :)
Aug 9, 2010
Hi Nick. Just my thoughts on buying your first van.
Buy a used one privately first! Don't spend many thousands of £s on brand new kit to start a hobby that (heaven forbid!) you might not enjoy.
Plus, and its a big plus, if you buy from someone who is retiring from caravanning, you'll probably get all the very expensive kit that will become essential later on.I would agree with Damian though: get it checked out before you buy.
But whatever you decide to do, go for it, and enjoy!

Good luck.
Jun 20, 2005
Welcome to the forum Nick
Have you been to a few dealers and carefully looked at all the different layouts?
Many dealers will hire you a caravan for two weeks. If you like it they will refund your hire cost against a new or used purchase. Worth a punt to see if caravanning suits you.
Mar 3, 2014
Hi Everyone, thank you for your kind words of welcome. Yes, we have been strolling around the dealers looking at all the different layouts. Whilst most of the time there will only be the two of us we would like to have enough space to spend a long time away in the caravan - I am retiring next year , and occasionally have the grand kids with us. We had thought a Swift Challenger 656 would meet our needs, but we have now seen a Swift Conqueror 645 and a Bailey Louisiana.......Will probably end up with a Volvo XC90 as the tow car regardless of the caravan we finally end up with.
So decided on the tow car, decided on an island bed, end bedroom, so we are getting there..........slowly !! Must admit to enjoying all the looking.


Mar 17, 2007
Hi Nick, welcome to the forum. Looking and choosing is the best bit. Can recommend a fixed bed. let us know what you decide.


Jul 20, 2008
Hi Nick & Mrs Nick

Welcome to the forum can confirm what others have said never be afraid to ask a question

I can imagine your excitement at joining the caravan world, friends of ours are also purchasing their first van and we have been spending time since New year searching for that gem! Again as others have said visit a few dealers to get a feeling as you your choice layout - also set your budget as its easy to fall in love with nice shiny van and spend more than you intended there was also an article in last month's Practical Caravan.

Happy hunting. Look forward to hearing how you get on



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