Mar 2, 2006
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Hi everyone

I've been looking at this forum for about 12 months. I've been touring for 12 months afer 10 years of having a static at Humberstone (NE Lincolnshire). The kids are now at an age where they dont want to go away at the weekend with us old fogeys so we bought a 12 year old Swift Corvette to see if touring was for us. We went away for about 10 long weekends last summer and had a full week at Scarborough and a week at Colwyn Bay, we have enjoyed every minute of it. I tow the caravan with a Freelander and we take our 2 small dogs away with us,(have I just ailienated myself to half of the forum members?). It seems very quiet on the furum just now, is everone getting ready for thier first trip of the year? Anyway I thought I would introduce myself and wish you all well for the comming season.


Mar 14, 2005
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Least you could have done is named them Jack and Cracker, Terry!

Then at five we could all start to get excited...

In all seriousness, welcome to the Forum Terry, have you thought about participating in the inaugural "Forum members meet" this coming Easter?
Mar 2, 2006
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Least you could have done is named them Jack and Cracker, Terry!

Then at five we could all start to get excited...

In all seriousness, welcome to the Forum Terry, have you thought about participating in the inaugural "Forum members meet" this coming Easter?
I'd love to be caravaning at Easter but I'm going to Malham Cove with a group of kids form the community project that I manage. Thanks for a warm welcome.

Mar 2, 2006
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Hi Terry

Welcome to the forum, it would be great if you and your family could join us at easter

Lolly x
Both Chris(the Wife)and I have got work commitments at the Easter weekend. We hope to get away the following weekend to somewhere on the Yorkshire coast about 70 - 75 miles away from where we live. With a bit of luck we may get a weekend or 2 before Easter. Hope all goes well at your gathering, don,t forget the sun tan creme,brolly and wellies. Have a great time
May 21, 2008
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Hi Terry.

Welcome to the touring world. You haven't ailienated yourself by having dogs. We have two Ladradors (one we thick must be related to a shetland pony), they love the trips we take and often leap into the van just to make sure they aren't forgotten.

I think of our van as our oasis because often I'm on sites where my mobile phone does not get signal (oh heaven) and the telly is out of signal. (not all sites are like this) so the outside world (rat race) can wait for me to choose when to surface.

Have a great summer.

Jan 19, 2008
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Hello Terry & welcome. We have 3 small dogs who go with us everywhere, we wouldn't dream of leaving them in kennels. The dog debates in here crop up occasionally but nowhere near as often as the pro's & cons of 4x4s ⇦ ((whispering it)). There are bad dog owners on sites just as there are bad parents who cant control unruly kids but unfortunately we have to put up with it. Like parents who cant see that their kids are making others lives a misery some dog owners cant see that their dogs behaviour is unacceptable to others.
Mar 2, 2006
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Hello Terry & welcome. We have 3 small dogs who go with us everywhere, we wouldn't dream of leaving them in kennels. The dog debates in here crop up occasionally but nowhere near as often as the pro's & cons of 4x4s ⇦ ((whispering it)). There are bad dog owners on sites just as there are bad parents who cant control unruly kids but unfortunately we have to put up with it. Like parents who cant see that their kids are making others lives a misery some dog owners cant see that their dogs behaviour is unacceptable to others.
Thanks for the welcome

I think we have been fortunate in our first year of touring not to come across any of the unsociable people that you talk about, but I know exactly what you mean from my experiences on a static site. It,s a sad fact of life that some people take no responsibility for thier children,pets or even thier own actions. We have encountered families whose dogs are better trained than thier children and dog owners who see nothing wrong with thier alsation or doberman roaming the site without supervision. Maybe some sites police the behaviour of campers better than others. Anyway hope you have a good season and that all the families that you find yourself pitched next to are as reasonable and thoughtful for thier neighbours as my family and I have been.
Mar 2, 2006
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Hi Terry.

Welcome to the touring world. You haven't ailienated yourself by having dogs. We have two Ladradors (one we thick must be related to a shetland pony), they love the trips we take and often leap into the van just to make sure they aren't forgotten.

I think of our van as our oasis because often I'm on sites where my mobile phone does not get signal (oh heaven) and the telly is out of signal. (not all sites are like this) so the outside world (rat race) can wait for me to choose when to surface.

Have a great summer.

Thanks for the welcome

I know exactly what you mean about escaping the rat race. Chris & I like nothing better than hitching up on Friday evenings and putting 70-80 miles between us and the pressures of work. Unfortunatlty we have to work some weekends so we don,t get away as much as we would like to. In our first year of touring we have found our fellow caravaners, like the people on this forum, to be friendly,welcoming and helpful. I think this is one of the reasons why touring is so popular. Hope you and your family have a great summer and that your dogs enjoy thier trips away as much as ours do.

regards Terry
Nov 7, 2005
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Responsible dog owners should never have to apologise - i like the saying: 'The more people and children i meet, the more I like my dog!'

Enjoy your caravanning - your dogs definitely will...


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