tadhgocuilleain said:
I know your post was well intended, but I'm not long on the forum and from what I've seen there's too much "technical expanding" going on. "If you want to teach a man nothing, show him everything" seems to apply. A lot of people are asking simple questions and the simple answer they're looking for is obscured by unnecessary "technical expansion".
For example, if someone searches the forum in future, looking for the reason their spark igniter won't work, they'll find an explanation of the difference between 12V and 240V systems and could easily miss the relevant posts at the start suggesting to check fuses, loose connections etc.
Obviously, sometimes a technical explanation is necessary.
I always take the wider view that the responses on the forum are likely to be read by a lot more people that just the OP. B) It is after all a public forum as far as reading is concerned.

hmy: So whilst it is important where possible to help a questioner,

its also important to bear in mind that others who may have less in-depth knowledge about caravanning they may be facing the same issue.
The adage you quote, would be true if "everything" were being put on the forum, but you know that is gross exaggeration of the facts. We are not posting about the price of fish in Harrogate, or about the nations state of terror alert. :huh: What is being posted is related to the subject in hand.
In education for example its not enough just to know 3 x 4 =12

its as important to know why and how it works. :blink: So background and reasoning are equally important where that knowledge does not currently reside.
The point you have made has been made previously,

but ironically its usually those who already have a better understanding of things and therefore who don't need the extra information that complain about it. :side: The answer for such people is to read and choose what to take in or forget. - or don't read it at all! :woohoo:
What about those who do yearn for more information about the subject,

if you were to look at many of my replies and comments you will find many have said "thankyou " and some have gone onto express how the detailed information has helped them make a more informed decision.

Why should those people be denied the details?
I do not have to justify my methods, :dry: but as I have stated elsewhere, if I spot an inaccuracy or something that may lead to an illegal outcome I will continue to respond accordingly. :evil: I also think its important not just to accept traditions without question. How often have traditions been found to be not up to scratch or even outdated or just downright wrong. - and caravanning has many of them.
Incidentally when quoting the nations mains voltage it is officially 230V not 240V but I sure you knew that already.