No Topic,

Nov 16, 2015
Well after being advised a few times, by our very trust worthy Moderators. Who I think do a wonderful job, keeping myself and others in line, and straying from threads.
I would like to start this thread, within the realms of the rules of the PC forum, but also with the Grateful guidance of the moderators , to diverse, at the messages of the forum , members. Hopefully mostly Caravan based, but !!
And on that note, How have we all enjoyed Fathers day, my boys took me to a locked door session, an hour where we had to crack crypte clues to get out , a bit like the Crystal maze, we got out with 22 seconds left after an hour,
Ps. No caravan around.
Sep 29, 2016
EH52ARH said:
Well after being advised a few times, by our very trust worthy Moderators. Who I think do a wonderful job, keeping myself and others in line, and straying from threads.
I would like to start this thread, within the realms of the rules of the PC forum, but also with the Grateful guidance of the moderators , to diverse, at the messages of the forum , members. Hopefully mostly Caravan based, but !!
And on that note, How have we all enjoyed Fathers day, my boys took me to a locked door session, an hour where we had to crack crypte clues to get out , a bit like the Crystal maze, we got out with 22 seconds left after an hour,
Ps. No caravan around.

Was the lock-in in a very large pub having a complex layout? :p

If it was, then I would not have bothered finding the answers so quickly :lol: .
Nov 16, 2015
No a small 10 by 15 ft room dressed like an old library, clues to get to locked boxes, to unlock the next clue. With a big count down clock on the wall. Really good time, very exciting and a great family bonding , get us to the pub , idea. Google " locked door"
Sep 29, 2016
EH52ARH said:
No a small 10 by 15 ft room dressed like an old library, clues to get to locked boxes, to unlock the next clue. With a big count down clock on the wall. Really good time, very exciting and a great family bonding , get us to the pub , idea. Google " locked door"

Looks good Hutch, hadn't heard of this before, must give it a go one day, cheers.
Feb 23, 2018
EH52ARH said:
Well after being advised a few times, by our very trust worthy Moderators. Who I think do a wonderful job, keeping myself and others in line, and straying from threads.
I would like to start this thread, within the realms of the rules of the PC forum, but also with the Grateful guidance of the moderators , to diverse, at the messages of the forum , members. Hopefully mostly Caravan based, but !!
And on that note, How have we all enjoyed Fathers day, my boys took me to a locked door session, an hour where we had to crack crypte clues to get out , a bit like the Crystal maze, we got out with 22 seconds left after an hour,
Ps. No caravan around.

Did you have to have any hints from the 'referee'?

I think I'd get locked-in :oops:
Nov 16, 2015
Yes we did, could not find the last key to get out the door, it was in the box with the first key, maybe held on by an electro magnet which de energises and drops the key.. a great 1 hour.
Mar 14, 2005
There are an expanding number of these experiences, just google "Escape rooms"
Run by different companies, Apparently Group4 has a number of them Pentonville, Dratmore, Braodmoor etc. :silly:


Nov 12, 2009
EH52ARH said:
Well after being advised a few times, by our very trust worthy Moderators. Who I think do a wonderful job, keeping myself and others in line, and straying from threads.
I would like to start this thread, within the realms of the rules of the PC forum, but also with the Grateful guidance of the moderators , to diverse, at the messages of the forum , members. Hopefully mostly Caravan based, but !!
And on that note, How have we all enjoyed Fathers day, my boys took me to a locked door session, an hour where we had to crack crypte clues to get out , a bit like the Crystal maze, we got out with 22 seconds left after an hour,
Ps. No caravan around.

Thanks for your ringing endorsement Hutch, and thanks for starting this thread.
I now have somewhere to send the irrelevant Woosie comments that crop up on the technical message board from time to time :lol:
Only Kidding!

I've been to locked door sessions in pubs, but in my case it was back in the days of strict opening (and closing) hours.
If you and your mates were still there when the Landlord slid the bolt across you weren't getting out until you'd collectively drunk enough to ensure a profitable enough lock in to have made it worth his while staying up late :silly:
Nov 16, 2015
Your probably correct, about moving a thread, :) , getting locked in a pub, so nice at times, even the local Bobby used to pop in to make sure, everything was " all right" have a free half and cycle on to the next pub. :blink:
Jun 20, 2005
Since the Licencing Laws changed the old days of a lock in seemto have disappeared in my neck of the woods.
More of us prefer an afternoon or early evening snifter, go home sober with more money in our pockets. For us it is more for a good social chat rather than the beer :woohoo:


Nov 12, 2009
Yes, the new relaxed licencing laws ruined the old Sunday lunchtime session for me.
We'd be at the door for 12:00 noon sharp to listen to a trad jazz band which helped the ale to go down, and at 2:00pm Royston, the late lamented landlord would enquire in his own inimitably style if we had any homes to go to?
By 2:20pm our Sunday lunch would appear from the oven and we'd be at the dining table tucking in, it was a working mans ritual.
On Friday nights however we'd have a lock in, but if you stayed you had to stay until the (Banks's) bitter end, no sneaking home to the wife, but no mobile phones either :lol:
May 24, 2014
Thanks for your ringing endorsement Hutch, and thanks for starting this thread.
I now have somewhere to send the irrelevant Woosie

I accept that the strange and secretive society of Woosies may seem unfathomable to the rest of us mere mortals but to deem them as irrelevant is a bit off :cheer:

If somebody locked the door on a pub selling Bank's Bitter, I would have used the window, to get out. Is there nobody on this forum that likes good beer.?
Sep 5, 2016
All this talk about boozing is making me wanting a pint I might have a couple of cans when England are three nil up,, COME ON ENGLAND,


Mar 17, 2007
OH watching the football as I type. I won't repeat the industrial language here, but the drift of it seems to be that the referee is not entirely impartial.
Sep 5, 2016
Thingy, I can,t evenhave my pint of lie and soda, they only scored 2 goals,, Come on England :evil:
Sep 5, 2016
Thingy, I can,t evenhave my pint of lie and soda, they only scored 2 goals,, Come on England :evil:
Aug 8, 2016
I am confused as to the "straying from thread" issue?? When I have a conversation with someone it seems to naturally evolve and may end up being a discussion about something else. That doesn't mean it isn't interesting or valid to others. I am a member of several forums and I don't seem to encounter this rule elsewhere. Collins definition of a forum,
"A Forum is a place, situation or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues......"


Nov 12, 2009
Thingy said:
Thanks for your ringing endorsement Hutch, and thanks for starting this thread.
I now have somewhere to send the irrelevant Woosie

I accept that the strange and secretive society of Woosies may seem unfathomable to the rest of us mere mortals but to deem them as irrelevant is a bit off :cheer:

If somebody locked the door on a pub selling Bank's Bitter, I would have used the window, to get out. Is there nobody on this forum that likes good beer.?

Thingy, if you properly read what I had written you'll see that I had mentioned 'irrelevant Woosie comments' which crop up from time to time on unrelated threads, especially the technical message board, where off topic jokes and trivia are distracting and annoying according to some of the complaints that I receive via the report button.
The Woosies are relevant when meetings between members are under discussion, but completely irrelevant when technical issues are being discussed. :)

As for the Banks's Bitter, it's what the pubs where I live sold, the landlord kept a good pint with clean pipes and this was before the days of 'guest beers' or 'micro breweries'.
I have to say that the multitude of beers on offer nowadays in the average 'loca'l far surpass any of the offerings from Banks's or even of Julia Hanson's, famed Black Country brewers back in the day.
We drank what was on the table when my father taught me to drink in pubs, any odd imbibers requests were viewed with the gravest suspicion and were dismissed with great scorn.
Lager didn't exist, (wouldn't drink it anyway) so it was either Mild or Bitter (or half and half if you'd been in the RAF.
The lunchtime slops always went back into the mild, so bitter was the drink for the discerning palate.
Nov 11, 2009
Parksy said:
Thingy said:
Thanks for your ringing endorsement Hutch, and thanks for starting this thread.
I now have somewhere to send the irrelevant Woosie

I accept that the strange and secretive society of Woosies may seem unfathomable to the rest of us mere mortals but to deem them as irrelevant is a bit off :cheer:

If somebody locked the door on a pub selling Bank's Bitter, I would have used the window, to get out. Is there nobody on this forum that likes good beer.?

Thingy, if you properly read what I had written you'll see that I had mentioned 'irrelevant Woosie comments' which crop up from time to time on unrelated threads, especially the technical message board, where off topic jokes and trivia are distracting and annoying according to some of the complaints that I receive via the report button.
The Woosies are relevant when meetings between members are under discussion, but completely irrelevant when technical issues are being discussed. :)

As for the Banks's Bitter, it's what the pubs where I live sold, the landlord kept a good pint with clean pipes and this was before the days of 'guest beers' or 'micro breweries'.
I have to say that the multitude of beers on offer nowadays in the average 'loca'l far surpass any of the offerings from Banks's or even of Julia Hanson's, famed Black Country brewers back in the day.
We drank what was on the table when my father taught me to drink in pubs, any odd imbibers requests were viewed with the gravest suspicion and were dismissed with great scorn.
Lager didn't exist, (wouldn't drink it anyway) so it was either Mild or Bitter (or half and half if you'd been in the RAF.
The lunchtime slops always went back into the mild, so bitter was the drink for the discerning palate.

That’s exactly what my father taught me as he took me to the CIU Railwaymens Workingmans Club in Leicester. “Stay away from the mild you don’t know what’s gone into it.”
Aug 23, 2009
Fathers Day, what a joke. I got taken at my expense to an athletics event in Rotherham. I've been exhausted ever since. I think I really need to stick to spectating :woohoo:
Nov 11, 2009
I received a hori hori from
my son, then everything placed on hold as I had to rush up to Leicester to see my father who had just been taken into hospital. Holiday to France due tomorrow cancelled. Not a good Father’s Day for any of us, but things will get sorted I’m sure. If not I’m told hori hori have been used for hari kari :)


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