Hello John, thank you for your reply, if you can cast your mind back to sept 2010 (a long time I know, but still retrievable ) this topic was discussed at length with yourself and lutz, with you both insisting that the NW becomes part of the cars payload, I took some convincing, but with investigation on my part proved you both to be correct, ie, caravan loaded to it's maximum in the case of a van with an mtplm of 1500kg, & a NW of 75kg, in essence only 1425 is being trailed, with 75kg being carried by the tow vehicle, I was insistent on keeping strictly to the 1500kg, you both pointed out that that was fine, but I would be loosing out on an extra 75kg payload in the caravan, of course assuming you are within your max train weight & of course not overloading the rear axle of the tow vehicle.
The subject has cropped up on another caravan related forum, with most of the contributors being insistent that you can't load a caravan with a mtplm of 1500kg in excess of that figure, most stating that NW has nothing to do with the caravan axle weight, at some point, not neceserely on this forum, Lutz gave reference of an EC directive that explains it all, and I'm sure I have read it, but can't seem to retrieve it, hope that makes a bit of sence John.
Regards, Allan.