Noseweight/Shock absorbers

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi I have a 2004 Abbey Spectrum 419 and I would be very interested to hear from anyone else who owns this (or its sisters Conquerer 580/Stirling Overlander) model caravan. I am surprised/concerned that I need to put the awning and poles in the nose locker (along with 2x6kg bottles) to get the n/w to 75kg. I am sure my n/w gauge is about right cos my bathroom scales give the same reading and these in turn tally with all other scales that Ive tried my bodyweight on recently! Just wondered how anyone with same van sets their n/w?

Also the van seems to constsantly bounce the back of the car at 35-45 mph (better since setting n/w to 75kg) but is fine at all other speeds. Has anyone else seen this problem and has fitting shock absorbers to van helped? Do you fit them to both axles? How much are they? Why dont swift fit them as standard?

Any help on either of these issues would be greatly appreciated.
Mar 14, 2005
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Andy, we bought a French van new last summer, & like most European vans shockers are fitted as standard. Our previous 3 vans were all Brits & bounced just like yours. Guess what? None of the bouncing sensation you've noticed with our French van, our tug does have self levelling rear suspension so maybe this helps as well. I suppose the UK makers don't fit shock absorbers due to cost?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Andy , We had a 2000 Spectrum 419 for 4 years, we gave up trying to get noseweight to 75kg, it was impossible, just loaded the van sensibly over axles and didn't have a problem. towed with Discovery and then R ange Rover, both towed better with high noseweight. Also had same problem with previous Challenger, could'nt get the nose weight down to 75kg, in those days we towed with Rover 827, needed to beef up the rear suspension, used spring assisters from Asley Banks who I think were in Peterborough. Hope this helps still think the Spectrum 419 was the best van we have had, hope you enjoy yours, keith
Mar 14, 2005
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Mike/Keith, thanks for your replies, and Keith yes I'm fairly pleased with the 419 so far although first time I tried the fridge on gas it wouldn;t self ignite and had to have a new igniter thingy!! They must have done a really good PDI !!

Our problem though is its so light on the nose that I have to put heavies right at the front to set noseweight.

Still love to hear from anyone with one of the models on my first post if any owners are reading this.

Thanks Andy


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