now the grockle season is over..................................

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Mar 14, 2005
Its ok folks peeds obviously gone 'BODMIN' - ( thats mad- to us grockles).

I spend all my caravanning time in Cornwall now & regularly use the A30 across Bodmin moor - its mostly dual carriageway, apart from a few isolated miles of it so I am not sure what the twits problem is really. I shall be back along it again in 2 weeks - if I see him I will mow him down as I wont actually have my van on the back of my car this time ( I left it down there for the season). But when I do travel down with the van I travel overnight so as to avoid hold ups & holding others up. I stay in the nearside lane of the M5 all the way & am a lone traveller on Bodmin at 2/3 am. I, like a previous poster, spend a fortune in the area. Cornwall needs us.
Mar 14, 2005
Oh and what is an anti-caravanist with so much venom doing registering on our site ? Is he a closet caravan admirer do you think?
Mar 14, 2005
Big Roy youll have to be careful using certain words on this forum or chance the wrath of Clive of Trollop. (Or maybe he only picks these things up with certain members)???
Its OK Wendy - He tries so hard but fails so dismally!
Mar 14, 2005
No Carol - its either a wind-up or genuine - either way the point made is valid - we do have an effect because of what we do.

Most of that effect is positive if we look at Caravaning - why else would the tourist areas world wide provide us with sites to stay on?

However we do have the potential to annoy other road users.

In some cases we annoy just because we exist! Unreasonable certainly - but hey! - there are some stunning examples of intolerance on this Forum by Caravaners against other Caravaners.

Any solution in sight - not sure - intolerance of others seems inbred in some people.

Or should that be intolerance is due to inbreeding?
Aug 31, 2005
OK, my first point must be to apologise, I thought I tried not to infer that ALL caravanners are to blame (I do however feel that it is only the minority that know and abide by the highway code and as such show consideration to other road users)

Never been to manchester (nor Benidorm) in my life

Chris if my post was badly written, I apologise (again) I was trying to say that there are those that speed on the motorway/dual carriageway whilst their caravans are swinging dangerously behind them, and those that are too stubborn/iggnorant/incapable (delete as appropriate) to keep up with traffic and pull off the road to let others by when on single carriageway roads.

I also get annoyed by CLOC's, but that is another issue, and quite frankly I don't feel this is the place to address it as I don't see caravanners guilty of this. Their lane discipline is generally very good (sorry another generalised statement)

Yes, the same could be said of tractors, but farmers are there to make a living, not for pleasure, and the vast majority pull off the road whenever appropriate.
Mar 14, 2005
So pleasure or doing something pleasurable is not something your familiar with in your world?

What a sad person you are.

Are you sure you didn't read the book or see the film "1984" and think it was a documentary?

Good road manners includes lane "sense" - but I note you dismiss the CLOC's as you do not want your point, directed against caravaners, diluted.

Bit of a give away that - your only having a single issue.

However, as I have said before - I DO think you have a point - I when younger woulod be frustrated by inconsiderate people towing caravans/horse boxes/trailers with no consideration for others. And whilst Farmers may be making a living if you have ever had them just drive out of a field straight onto the road right in front of you as I have had happen on a couple of occaisions - making a living obviously did not make those farmers sensible or provide intelligence.

The caravaner who insists on driving at 45mph and does not pull over is a ruddy menace. But like you he pays his road tax/fuel tax and is allowed to be on the road.

Its called democracy.

Try to see the wider picture - it will improve your life!
Mar 14, 2005
This is a typical country YOKEL attitude Icould go off on one about the M25 Which i use every day and get geld up by the very people you describe. But i wont. Live and let Live
Aug 4, 2004
I actually live in Bodmin and work all over the south-west, most hold ups are not by caravans,but by elderly people driving their rover metro's/45's at 40 mph! most caravanners I come across do pull over when safe to do so,also "peed" needs to bear in mind that caravans are retricted to 50,or 60 on dual carridge ways, by law.

Ps, Bodmin is a town in Cornwall,not a village in England.
I do know where Bodmin is having driven through it. The remark was directed at "peed" with no offence to any one living there.
Mar 14, 2005
Peed,I do have to take issue with your comment regarding tractor drivers.

I live in a rural county & as the bale hauling season is now upon us I can say, without fear of contradiciton, that I regularly get held up by tractors & not once has one EVER pulled over to let cars pass , despite having many opportunities to do so. In fact last week I was behind one piled high with bales, that I might add were perilously poorly tied & tipping over ( in danger of squashing any passing vehicle) and the tractor driver was haring along the road whilst talking on a mobile phone.

In Cornwall ( not far from Bodmin) 10 days ago I got stuck behind no less than 5 different tractors, loaded to the sky with bales, along the A30 & around the Perranporth area, again no courtesy to other drivers by pulling over.

Now I have no beef with tractor drivers but having come from the farm myself & having been a tractor driver in my past ( along with my husband) I am tolerant of being held up by them because life is too short to moan about everything & if I am late, then I am late. I am a professional Peed so have to attend lots of meetings/appointments & do a lot of driving so I always give myself extra travelling time if going through rural areas.

As I said previously I always to Cornwall over night & never hold anyone up but I have to agree with one part of your post- bad caravanners....I do get annoyed by those who tow illegally

( speed or towing match) - they give those of us who tow courteously a bad name.
Dec 16, 2003
peed you quote the highway code

145: Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass.

I try to let traffic pass if i cant keep up with the flow of traffic. But, i need to be able to see it in my mirrors. Why do drivers insist on driving so close to the van you can see them there.
Aug 17, 2005
I had to laugh at this. Whether Peed is real or not, "it" certainly got us all talking! All I can say is that I pay my road fund licence, fuel duty, insurance etc etc, I tow a caravan, and I have every right to tow my caravan, where ever and when ever I choose to do so. If you don't like "Grockles" Peed, might I suggest you move. Tourism makes up a huge part of the west country's income, don't knock it!
Apr 24, 2005
With any group of people be it caravanners , bikers, football fans, 4x4 drivers (can i mention them?) etc, the majority will always be at the mercy of the minority.

We will never change these people's opinions, you'll never get Jeremy Clarkson to take a caravan holiday after all, so the best thing to do when this sort of comment appears on the site is to ignore it. If the majority keeps to speed limits, takes note of the state of their outfits and is as courteous to our fellow road users as they are to us, then blow 'em.


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