OK, I know this sounds petty..no pun intended....

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Apr 9, 2006
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Hi valerie,

Thought the council may say that if it was a dog it would be different,as i said earlier if you or a member of your family took the cat to a rescue centre out of the area to be rehoused,the cat would probably be happier not having to stay out all night,your life would be happier(and this is FAR more important than a cat).

You could just say you found the cat,it sounds to me like the neighbours would not miss it.

As for awaiting the cats cries every morning then i think from experience this maybe true,we had lovely next door neighbours until they moved and a family moved in,he went to work every morning at 4.30am and had a full on argument with his misses at full volume in the bedroom joining ours,and when in on his own blasted dance music at unbelieveable volume,we went around and asked him to turn it down but got same response as you,all this made my wife very ill and be at home a nightmare.

As suggested when i used to come home and they where in i was constantly on edge wating for the music/shouting to start,the problem has now gone away due to a tragic accident,sorry to go on a bit but i know how it feels to have selfish,inconsiderate people spoiling your life and it should not be allowed.

Feb 24, 2008
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Well, we thought about ringing them as I am sure they took over the phone number from our previous neighbours. Then we thought better of it in case they did us for harrassment.

What comes round goes round I always say, postie knocked today and wanted us to take a parcel in for them but we refused. It went back to the depot so it made us feel better anyway. They'll have to get off their lardar**es and go to collect it.

I have to say, we have not heard the cat since we were woken on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Either they are taking a more responsible attitude or it may be as a result of the Night Nurse I am taking for my cold..

What I think is interesting is that nobody has sprung to kitty's defence - now if we had been writing about a dog I'm sure the thread wouldn't have survived this long!
Apr 23, 2007
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Where did these suggestions come from regarding reporting them for fraud, benefit cheats, etc. I could not believe my eyes. I didn't see anything posted by Valerie to suggest any of these things. If I missed it then I apologise. What a sneaky, nasty, underhand suggestion. Why not go the whole hog and report them for child abuse too. In fact plant some stolen goods in their shed and report that. Don't misunderstand me, if anybody is a benefit cheat or a thief then they should be reported, but not just because you want to get back at someone. I would wager that the people who report people just out of suspicion also regard themselves as 'good people' and are a step up from these 'other' people.

Regarding the cat. These people don't seem fit to look after it. I would kidnap the cat, take it 150 miles away and hand it in to a cat sanctuary. Problem solved.
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

with respect to scouse ian's point of view regarding the reporting of someone to the DWP or benifits office being sneaky underhand and nasty, yes it is and definitly something worth considering as valerie wrote " we are talking about living next to one fat lazy bullyboy taxi driver,a real scumball so I hate to think how he would retaliate" all reports are confidential so it would be unlikley that bully boy would find out who reported him.

fortunatly or not which ever is the case I do not have any qualms about fighting fire with fire so to speak, so would do anything to make thier lives as miserable as possible gloves off and into war.

as for the cat do you want to borrow a crossman with silencer one shot between the eyes should do the trick, although you will probably need a box of pellets in case he gets another cat.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think you guys are all missing the point, why shoot the poor cat??? it appears to me its the owners that are causing the problem but no one has yet suggested shooting them. As a cat lover I have found some of the posts to this topic disturbing but have hoped that it was mostly all said in fun.
May 25, 2008
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I think you guys are all missing the point, why shoot the poor cat

At last a voice of reason, who is talking about the Facts in this case/story
Feb 24, 2008
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Alas, I have no positive news to report about the cat - yet again woken at 6.20am this morning (Sunday) with its squalling. I have now taken to slamming our bedroom window closed when we are disturbed to ensure our neighbours hear we have been disturbed - not that they appear to bother.

Luckily Father Christmas bought me a Sony Giga-Juke Stereo and you can guess what that means........


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