On this day!

Jul 18, 2017
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We will never forget those that paid the ultimate price today 80 years ago. We will remember those that answered the sunset call on that day.

They Shall not grow Old
as we who are left grow old
Age Shall not weary them
nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We Will Remember Them!!
Jul 15, 2008
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......I remember being on one of the first sailings of the Brittany Ferries route
Portsmouth to Caen in 1986.
That ferry docks at Ouistreham port which is at the Eastern end of Sword beach.
We stayed at Ouistreham for the fortnight and our children then 8 and 6 played happily on a lovely sandy beach which just happened to be Sword beach.
Just a smallish memorial there at that time.
We drove over the old wartime bridge at Benouville named Pegasus bridge which has since been replaced.
The old original is now reconstructed nearby as part of a museum telling the story of it's significance in the D day landings by paratroopers.
We also paid a visit to the immaculate American cemetery at Omaha beach which brought home the sheer numbers who lost their life.
.........we always remember that trip and all those cemetries and headstones every June 6th.
Jan 3, 2012
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Both sides of our family have stories from WW11 wife Kate had uncle who was RAF Squadron Leader during the war,experienced many incidents which shaped his personality .
My dad was a Desert Rat also fought his war in Malta a place he returned to --we"re have been there many times .


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