Our first gas bottle dilema

Feb 6, 2019
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So we pick up our new sprite major 4 EB on Saturday and among every other possible accessory on the planet we will need a gas bottle.
Swift recommends the 6kg calor lite but apparently they are discontinued?
What do you recommend? Isn't a standard bottle too heavy?
I will obviously be taken for the bottle contract when we buy one but I want also to get the right one.
Aug 14, 2014
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I've not had any problem at all getting the Calor Lites despite them being apparently phased out. Exchanged both of my Calor Lites in last 6 months at 2 separate stockists and each had a good supply of them. My understanding is they are not making more of them but there are still plenty in circulation - I could be wrong on that though.
Also if you get the Lites on your agreement, there is no problem swapping them back and forth with the standard bottle depending on availability so no problems if they do eventually stop being available
Mar 8, 2009
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Yes we have had 'Lites' with no problem, if you can't get 'Lites' there is no problem carrying 6kgs (Most of us have done for years!)
Aug 9, 2010
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Hi gazbut, and welcome.
You need two bottles, as there is nothing more annoying than being half
way through cooking breakfast when the gas runs out! Bad enough when when you have a spare, but without one you've lost your breakfast!
Before buying a contract, ask around to see if anyone has a couple of spare bottles. Failing that, check in scrap yards. There's always empty ones about.
Nov 11, 2009
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I had a replacement Calorlite last week and the dealer still had plenty in stock, but the new one did not have a pressure gauge. However the gauge wasn't much use as it did not really give any indication of low level until you are quite well through the bottle.

We always used to carry two 6kg standard bottles but for quite a while we generally only take a single bottle. The two came in handy for longer trips abroad where one was for the cooker, or fridge, water heater if off grid, and the other for the bbq. Most times in UK we just carry one and I "weigh" it by just loosening the strap and giving it a shake. Never had a problem in UK replacing the Calorlite even since Calor announced that production was being discontinued.
Nov 16, 2015
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emmerson said:
Hi gazbut, and welcome.
You need two bottles, as there is nothing more annoying than being half
way through cooking breakfast when the gas runs out! Bad enough when when you have a spare, but without one you've lost your breakfast!
Before buying a contract, ask around to see if anyone has a couple of spare bottles. Failing that, check in scrap yards. There's always empty ones about.

Emmerrson, your opening a bag of worms for the Prof. CALOR bottles cannot be bought or swopped between people. As the contract is with the original purchaser, .

If I wanted a spare bottle,Imwould buy one from Fle bay. .
Feb 23, 2018
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Gazbut said:
So we pick up our new sprite major 4 EB on Saturday and among every other possible accessory on the planet we will need a gas bottle.
Swift recommends the 6kg calor lite but apparently they are discontinued?
What do you recommend? Isn't a standard bottle too heavy?
I will obviously be taken for the bottle contract when we buy one but I want also to get the right one.

I have the Sprite Major 4 SB with 1x 6KG Propane (steel or heavy type) in the gas locker. I think having 2 in there may make tuning the nose weight, which needs to be
Nov 6, 2006
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I would echo what Otherclive says. Unless you go for long trips or are off grid a lot, one bottle is enough for most trips with the weight saving that affords. If I were starting from scratch though, I would go for a Safefill since you can top these up, unlike Calor, so never run out.
Mar 14, 2005
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EH52ARH said:
Emmerrson, your opening a bag of worms for the Prof. CALOR bottles cannot be bought or swopped between people. As the contract is with the original purchaser, .

If I wanted a spare bottle,Imwould buy one from Fle bay. .

Hutch Don't shoot me I'm only the messenger.

You're only partly correct, becasue as a customer of Calor you do not purchase a bottle, you only rent it, and it remains the sole property of Calor. You purchse the content when you swap old for refilled one.

As you don't own the bottle you have no legal title to sell loan or give it to anyone else,or to purchaes one from anywhere.

It's up to Calor if they want to pursue anyone who contavenes ther rental agreement. If you need too seek clarification from Calor.
Jul 15, 2008
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ProfJohnL said:
You're only partly correct, becasue as a customer of Calor you do not purchase a bottle, you only rent it, and it remains the sole property of Calor. You purchse the content when you swap old for refilled one.

As you don't own the bottle you have no legal title to sell loan or give it to anyone else,or to purchase one from anywhere.

......but interestingly anyone who is in possession of a Calor cylinder can return it to Calor and be paid £7.50 even if they haven't rented it.

That is very like selling something you own even if legally it isn't :whistle:

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