Outfit matches

May 5, 2005
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We are looking for a used 4 berth for a welcome return to caravanning.

Our towing car is a Volvo V40 T4, though I'm unable, so far, to come up with an accurate kerbweight.

Our local dealer informs me that they cannot tell me because this model has been superseded. The Car manual refers me to the registration document; this document doesn't have the information on it. All I have found out is an approximate figure of 1300kg, from an old brochure.

Please could you pass me any information you may have along these lines, that would help me establish what kind of van I should be looking for.

Many thanks for anything you can do.

Rob Beesley
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Rob Welcome back to the caravan world - as a general rule if you were to fill the car with fuel, remove all surplus weight such as personal belongings, take the car to a public weighbridge and from the recorded weight calculate your 85% ratio for ideal maximum fully laden weight of van. However it should be stated in the car handbook as to the maximum braked weight the car can tow.
Mar 14, 2005
If you want an accurate kerbweight, there's no way round having it measured on a public weighbridge. Published figures are always the absolute minimum for the car without any optional exras or, in the case of road tests, the kerbweight of that particular car. On the other hand, a few kilos either way is not going to make a great deal of difference. The outfit won't suddenly become unsafe just because the ratio is 89% instead of 85%.


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