I agree with RogerL as far ensuring the heater is working properly. This is best achieved by the annual inspection check and repairs if necessary.
BUT, I cannot agree with his conclusion about not running it at night;.
There is a fundamental flaw in his logic;.If a heater is unsafe to use at night because it vents Carbon Monoxide, it would be equally unsafe to use during the day.
Conversely, provided the appliance is safe during the day, it will be equally safe over night.
Attwood, Carver, Electrolux and Truma only ever produce room sealed heaters, which means the air used for combustion is drawn from under the caravan, mixed with gas and burnt in a tube. The exhaust end of the tube either went back through the floor (1800 models) or up to a roof mounted flue terminal. 3000 and 5000 series heaters)
It would require a series of major faults to arise with any of these appliances before they would emit dangerous levels of CO into the living space.
There is far greater danger from the burners on the cooker, grill and oven which vent directly into the caravan, and where the flames are quenched by pots and pans.
Technically there is no reason to turn a room sealed heater off at night if you are concerned about CO poisoning. But as previously said regular inspection and servicing will reduce any risk to very very low levels.