Overnight stop suggestions

Dec 7, 2005
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Could anyone suggest a good site for an overnight stop around Bristol/ Weston Super Mare close to the M5. We'll be on route to Cornwall and want to break the journey. Not bothered about all the facilities, just a decent site with hook up

Jun 26, 2006
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Sorry that this is a very late reply to the original request - but I have only just found this excellent Forum and I'm trawlling through the old stuff. This suggestion may also help anyone travelling down to Cornwall this Summer. We have found a CL at Wrantage near Taunton (it's in the CC book). It is about 5 miles off the M5. The owner has 2 fields. 1 is the official CL and the other is a sort of stop-over field which is separate from the CL. Stopped there 2 years running, travelling from the Midlands to Cornwall. Excellent site. The owner has just installed an immaculate shower/toilet block with 2 power shower rooms & toilets.


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