Packing your caravan?

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Oct 30, 2009
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hi Lutz

thanks for the clarification, the point I was making was that just because joe blogg's van is the same as mine does not mean it is the same. the weight may be different as may the user payload. but the factory will plate both vans the same.

for example. taking the MIRO away from the MTPLM gives the user payload in basic form ie A-B=C but because of weight difference in equipment and materials "A" may be different but if "B" is constant "C" will be reduced, possibly only by a few KG's but added to the weight of say a mover and bigger battery and fitting such things as spare wheel carrier and 2 gas bottles, could reduce "C" to next to nothing without realising it especialy on a lightweight van with a low user payload.

replating the van can be done without major modifcations but will at least resore some of the user payload, my van was replated by bailey from 1022kg to 1058kg not much I know only 36kg but equal to the weight of the mover and bigger battery I fitted.

it is only a small increase but without it user payload would be less than 100kg. many vanners out there must be in the same position without realising it and just load up the van and go

unaware they are towing overweight. and illegally.

just a thought.

Mar 14, 2005
I can see no logical reason why Bailey should replate a caravan from 1022kg to 1058kg. Chassis, as supplied by AlKo (or whoever), are normally rated in 100kg steps, so the chassis of your caravan is probably an 1100kg chassis, regardless of what is on the plate. Without technical modification it should therefore have been possible to replate to 1100kg unless I have missed something. Why then stop at 1058kg? Of course, if you wanted to go over 1100kg, then this would not be possible without further modifications.
Nov 5, 2006
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Hi, yes we realised that, the figure we gave for the MIRO includes the weight of the motor mover, which I am very glad we have fitted too!
John the MIRO does not include the weight of the mover,or the gas bottle or the battery the weight of these items must be deducted from your pay load allowance of 209kg which is the difference between the MIRO & The MTPLM of your particular van


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