Parking a vehicle half on the pavement/half on the road

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Jun 20, 2005
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For the sake of Lisa and every other innocent poster on this forum do us all a favour and only deal with material facts , not gossip, self opinions, and a "policeman said" . Get a grip mate. We are supposed to set an example and offer accurate advice to people like Lisa. Not what you think is right.
Apr 20, 2009
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Now then chappies, I dont normally get into debates as deep as this one has got,yes i make a contribrution and normally leave it at that, but what I can see on this one is there are two completly scenario's.
One involves vehicles parking/obstructing the pavements for long periods at a time, which I get really annoyed at!!!!!! Yes the fact is it is illegal, enough said.
Then on the other hand where I think the other poster is coming from he is a delivery driver and in certain circumstances he will park on the pavements but albeit for a short period of time, (operative word being Short )although yes this is illegal and not ideal we should suppose that common sense has to prevail.
So to sum up you will never agree, so I think you should shake hands,kiss and make up
Jun 20, 2005
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Gagakev said:
Now then chappies, I dont normally get into debates as deep as this one has got,yes i make a contribrution and normally leave it at that, but what I can see on this one is there are two completly scenario's.
One involves vehicles parking/obstructing the pavements for long periods at a time, which I get really annoyed at!!!!!! Yes the fact is it is illegal, enough said.
Then on the other hand where I think the other poster is coming from he is a delivery driver and in certain circumstances he will park on the pavements but albeit for a short period of time, (operative word being Short )although yes this is illegal and not ideal we should suppose that common sense has to prevail.
So to sum up you will never agree, so I think you should shake hands,kiss and make up
Ah Kev
Ever the romantic!

Ok Jonny
Aug 11, 2010
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Dustydog said:
For the sake of Lisa and every other innocent poster on this forum do us all a favour and only deal with material facts , not gossip, self opinions, and a "policeman said" . Get a grip mate. We are supposed to set an example and offer accurate advice to people like Lisa. Not what you think is right.
Hang on dustry mate, i think you are using double standards here. I have stated what has happened to me [Fact] and lets be clear here "gossip, self options, and what policeman say" is usable material in any scenario.
If that type of advice is good enough for forum users to take advice on caravan park sites, direction to sites, advice on insurance or buying of a tow vehicle. then the fact remains its good enough for any other topic, and may I remind you that on occasions you yourself feel free to use gossip and self opinions [info from websites] as the back ground for your own opinion! and indeed you make material mistakes too. ie illegal parking is not an endorseable offence, as you suggested with the quote "its your licence"

Just up the next street from us is an old factory on the front of it is a huge 14 foot wide pavement [fact] alongside a 100 foot building front.
Cars have parked there all the 45 plus years i have lived in this village [fact] on and off. Council knows about it parish council knows about it police know about it. [fact] Never recall seeing a ticket on any of the cars that regular park there in the day or night.never herd of any in the news letters[fact]
Want material Facts there, you have some, but like I said, common sense seems to rule, rather than petty what's right whats not..

I saw a bumble Bee today and it was actually Flying..........
Aug 4, 2004
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brightmore said:
Surfer.........It appears to be you who has the problem with narrow roads...not pedestrians, sorry but your attitude seems a bit selfish and you seem to have little or no concern for pedestrians, blind or is an offence to park on a pavement and cause an obstruction...end of arguement

Obviously seem to find it hard to grasp the fact that I said I made sure that there was more than sufficient room for a pedestrian to pass and also for any emergency vehicles. I don't think I am being selfish at all.
Oct 30, 2009
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hi all just to keep things going? "stirring" thought I would share a experience I had a few years ago when we had the motor home,
as we live on a row with no frontage I allways parked the m/home at the front of our house on the road and the car any where else available usually outside next doors house (no car of his own) then one day there was a knock on the door, it was a policeman and a rep from the council to hand me a prohibition notice for the m/home as it was causing a obstruction?
What obstruction I said well we have had complaints that there is insufficient room to get a fire engine down the street if required and the bin waggon finds it hard to get passed on bin day so you will have to move it elsewhere,
I was furious "what" "why" it is legally parked taxed insured mot'ed and outside my own property.
she said "well I came down here last week with a colleauge and as it is wider than all the other cars I could see the complaint was justified so here is the notice,
right I said " I will not accept the notice because you have not given me a alternative and cannot prove that is my vehicle causing the obstruction????
well look at it its obvious isn't it she said
well acctually no it's not because when I parked it there, there were no cars opposite so there was plenty of room down the side, so it is the cars opposite causing the obstruction by parking there after and reducing the width of the road and it is under 7ft 6in wide and has a parking light on it so is quite legal,
the policeman who upto this point had remained silent nodded to her and said "he's right you cannot serve the notice on him without serving one to all the cars in the street and that would mean passing a bylaw banning street parking in the whole area"
however as an alternative and in the meantime park the m/home with two wheels on the pavement in line with the rest of the cars
thats about a foot and see how it goes the foot path is 8ft wide so there will be enough room for pedestrians and mobility vehicles to get passed,
but isn't this illegal I replied technically YES he said but where there is no alternative it is acceptable,
So this is what I did for the next 3 months untill I built a garage in the back to put it in .

now while this event may or may not be applicable elsewhere and while it is technically illegal to do so I can see where Surfer and Jonny G are comming from.



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