Mar 16, 2005
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My understanding is when a thread is closed one cannot post,also

You should not go making assumption either.I posted in response to colin, being as his post was well up from the last posts,and thats how far i had reached on that thread, colins post,please do not going making assumptions ie, "have i not made it clear"

Because the answer would be NO, how can anything be clear if the system has no lockout to close threads!!!!!!!

Now hopefully this clears up your misunderstanding...


Nov 12, 2009
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Its not my fault that the system has no lockout,thats just the way it is. You will have noticed in the previous post to your removed one that I stated that the thread was closed.

You either misunderstood or chose to continue posting regardless of my post.

If members decide to ignore a Moderators application of the forum rules and etiquette then it's only a matter of time before the whole thing descends into an insulting free for all.

I will not be drawn into personal arguments or vendettas so as far as I'm concened that's the end of the matter.
Mar 16, 2005
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Not trying to argue, yet you are not listening,I did not ignore anything, simple had not reached that far down the thread.

Like i have already said responding to colin after reading his post,so had no idea that the thread was closed.

Just pionting out you assumed that everyone, anyone would read ALL the posts to the end,before posting. Thats just not so.

"VENDETTA" Sorry you have lost me on that one.and why can the thread not be locked?Always assumed it could.....
Mar 16, 2005
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"Did I not make myself clear? Do not continue to breach forum etiquette.

This thread is closed.

This is your post,aimed at me.!

Now i see smiley too has posted after me and this post of yours.

What am i now to think when you deemed this post acceptable to aim at me,but no one else?


Nov 12, 2009
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Ok Giovanni I accept your explanation that you hadn't scrolled down to the point where I closed the thread. My comment regarding forum etiquette on that thread was not aimed specifically at you although on re reading perhaps I could have put it better. The post had been heading down a rocky path which we've all trodden before so I closed it.

The method of control is that the Moderators can delete posts but as far as I know no actual lockout mechanism is available to prevent posts being added. B.t.w. I was just typing this out and I see that you've replied already.
Mar 16, 2005
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I am much relieved,and feel free to delete this entire thread,because without PM functions it is difficult to actually ask things without using the boards. and this thread has answered what i wanted to know,and deserves no more space time on this board.. thanks.
Jan 19, 2008
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Well, well, well.

Here I am, sat in Asdas car park, the first time I've managed to log on to my lappy and what do I see? All hell broke lose.

I can't go away and leave you lot for a few days without you misbehaving :O(

I see Euro having a go and gio having a go, it's about time some of you followed my example. When I get home methinks it will be smack a$$ time for some people. Until then sit them in the corner please Your Moddyship and make them write out 100 lines apiece ....

"Thou shalst be polite and genteel when using this forum and use His Windyness as a role model".
Mar 14, 2005
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After the eloquent posting by Lord B. there is nothing more that can be said on this topic or any other topic that requires the Mods to step in and referee the situation. Lord B has spoken on behalf of all moderators and his word is law.


Nov 12, 2009
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Thank you for your kind words Colin, you are a gentleman of the first water sir.

Lord B, I hope that you're having a good holiday, it's nice to hear from you now that you've discovered how to plug your new lappy into Asda's lamp post. I knew you would have to post when you saw Giovanni's name, so I'm sorry Giovanni for ressurecting this thread but it gives me a chance to say that our misunderstanding was mainly my fault, not yours.



His Lordship has spoken from his privileged PC Forum position -

"A chosen one" ;-)

Sadly Lord B I feel that some of us do here do not hold the same ranked position as you, your humour that is often very near the knuckle and mainly goes un-challenged by others who feel they have the right to police fellow forum members posts rather than leave that to the moderating team!

The irony here is that this site is owned by a former politician who has sat on both sides of the house. Advice given here is "take it or leave it" or go elsewhere in a section called "Our website". I'm not sure as a former politician how he would have taken that in the house.

I think he would have expected his view to be respected no matter how he decided to phrase it! ;-)

If I change my name to Viscount Euro will I get the same respect as you Lord B :)
Apr 30, 2007
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I find it interesting to follow the antics of some of our forum contributors, particularly the professional moaners- the ones who only log on to have a go at other forum users, and to criticise any opinion not to their liking. Their particular delight is in slagging off the moderators, who are expected to take it without retaliating.

For goodness sake lighten up. Life's too short for bitterness and conflict. Live and let live.
Mar 16, 2005
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WOW......Imagine that, i have a chat with the mods to clear up any misunderstanding[thank you mods]and i am followed here by those who critise my approach!

Looks like you should follow your own advice,rather than follow me around.

Come on lads,don't you think its strange? that a thread, i have started concerning ME and the MODERATORS,which has indeed ended and a misunderstanding on both sides,has been cleared up,is then restarted up solely to attack me/ others!

I actually start each day a fresh, but really cannot believe that you do the same if this thread is anything to go by!

I thought Euro's response was a pretty accurate reflection of what goes on,on here on a day to day basis,with colins earlier response being the proof of the pudding.[ by jumping the gun so to speak]

Regards gio.
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote "Come on lads,don't you think its strange? that a thread, i have started concerning ME and the MODERATORS,which has indeed ended and a misunderstanding on both sides,has been cleared up,is then restarted up solely to attack me/ others"!

Heck you make me laugh gio. You accuse others of re-starting a thread when the last reply was on the 21st March, 13 days ago. Today is the 2nd April and you re-start it. Does your accusation make sense, no it doesn't because it is you who are re-starting it me old cobber ;O)
Mar 16, 2005
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The thread was dead as of march 17th.....Nothing after that date had anything to do with the actual original threads.

You restarted this thread LB for whatever reason best known to yourself,but the contexted of your posts had no relevence what so ever to do with any previous post on this thread!!!!

Now being as i am playing catch up,i have noted the mods insistance on keeping threads "on topic" and whilst i know their job is difficult, your p original post has absolutely nothing to do with this threads original topic!!!!!!!!

Therefore it should have been removed and i have given the mods the time they clearly need to check and get back up to speed.

I have responded so the thread becomes more visable [date wise]

I will be interested to see what happens?

If you need to contact me that badly, i will be in the traveling abroad section........
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote .."You restarted this thread LB for whatever reason best known to yourself"

If you mean my post on the 20th gio it was because I was a long way from home in Dorset and I was missing you .... heh! heh!
Mar 16, 2005
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"WOW......Imagine that, i have a chat with the mods to clear up any misunderstanding[thank you mods]and i am followed here by those who critise my approach!"

I saw nothing improper about John-Wills said as he was making a general point, without naming an individual, or using insulting language.

"i have noted the mods insistance on keeping threads 'on topic'"

We do not insist on keeping threads on-topic per se. It is when people hi-jack threads and they become a war of words between two individuals, or contain personal insults aimed at an individual, that we call a halt and declare them off-topic.

"If you need to contact me that badly, i will be in the traveling abroad section........"

Will you be away long?
Mar 14, 2005
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I know that there will always be friction between members of any community but all I ask of the contributers to this forum is to try and keep it friendly without having personal digs/go at each other. All it is achieving is bitterness and bad feeling between a section of society who have one common interest being that of caravan holidays/breaks. It is also a bad advert to new contributers to the forum by putting them off and not wishing to become involved. So come on folk - lets all act as mature friendly adults and have a common respect for each other (friendly jokes excepted LOL - hehehe Plotter).
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. I am NOT sucking up to the mods - I was asked to become a mod. As far as Brownie points for Urban prizes ??????? What I would like to see is harmony on the forum as there are enough problems in the world without our own creating more on this forum.
Mar 16, 2005
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Thank you for clearing that up for me Ken[moderator]have no idea what the reference to john willis is all about,maybe a joke on your part?

As i assume this was too "Will you be away long?" Its quiet difficult to know sometimes,if its a joke or maybe i mis spelt

"section" as in traveling abroad section!

And now that you have cleared up that little matter about going off topic,hi jacking ect, i have to say i am none the wiser really.


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