Jul 27, 2017
Hi All
I am sure I am not alone in finding that the pegging down of the awning is one of the most arduous tasks when setting up, second perhaps to threading the awning through the channel. has anyone come up with some sort of device similar to the long handled bulb planter I have just used for my Daffs? something to allow one to position and drive in the peg from a standing position. I get very wet sore knees crawling round and my artificial hips preclude squatting or bending that far.
any ideas gratefully received!!
Jan 19, 2002
Not sure about any device that allows pegging from a standing position, but I do have gardening kneelers that Velcro behind each knee to prevent the sore knees - on Ebay I searched 'garden knee pads' and similar items were about 5.00, or 'garden kneelers' brought up several foam type rectangles from about 3.00. Likewise 'tent peg puller' brought up a long shaft puller for about 10.00. Hope this may help.
Jul 27, 2017
thanks yes, I do use knee pads ( lidl or aldi are good value,)and I currently drag the steps along to help me get to and from the ground, I was just wondering, as one does when in the middle of another job..
Apr 19, 2017
I can certainly envisage a tool to achieve what you ask (inserting the pegs from a standing position). It would probably require special (ie proprietary) pegs. I envisage two difficulties:

1) You usually need to stretch the awning outwards when pegging down. This will need a specific technique, but should not be insurmountable.
2) In hard ground the pegs may need hammering in with a mallet. Again, not impossible, but keeping the device at the correct angle will require skill.

(The deluxe version could incorporate a spring loaded action to help drive the peg in .... and the super-deluxe could have a battery hammer action, or even use compressed air :) :) )
Nov 11, 2009
I find my wife and/or granddaughter can do a good job and as they are both not very tall they rarely have to bend. :)
Aug 23, 2009
Swmbo does an excellent job of the pulling through and the pegging out. Her all round errection skills are excellent. I can see a time when I may have to replace her but while it ain't broke I'll keep my current model a bit longer.


Mar 17, 2007
Anyone who can invent a peg insertion device that makes pegging down, very quick, easy and with no bending ( and doesn't constitute an offensive weapon), should make a fortune. Come on all you men (and women) in sheds, start getting something together. I'd buy one.
Jun 20, 2005
Theoretically you could use screw pegs. Use a long extension socket shaft into your battery drill. Removal should be the reverse. There are a number of different designs available.
I practice I just hammer them I and pull out.
Oct 12, 2013
Any soloution should work on soft ground but even i can bray away on some Club sites hard standing pitches and it feels like you are hammering into metal, the pegs won't go down, once or twice I have bent them !

Oct 29, 2007
Steve-Jan said:
Hi All
I am sure I am not alone in finding that the pegging down of the awning is one of the most arduous tasks when setting up, second perhaps to threading the awning through the channel. has anyone come up with some sort of device similar to the long handled bulb planter I have just used for my Daffs? something to allow one to position and drive in the peg from a standing position. I get very wet sore knees crawling round and my artificial hips preclude squatting or bending that far.
any ideas gratefully received!!

Hi Jan,
Having had a hip replacement ( So now I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!) & osteoarthritis I have similar problems when pegging out the awning, as previously stated by other posters, a long handle peg inserter just doesn't exist & if it did I don't think it would work very well, so the way I get around the problem is:-
1. I use screw in pegs driven in & extracted with a battery operated power drill, it also winds down & up the corner steadies (using different sized sockets).
2. I have a garden "Garden Kneeler Seat" no more wet knees!!! It's a brilliant bit of kit! see here for details https://www.coopersofstortford.co.uk/garden/st06067i/ or just go to their web site & type in garden kneeler seat. It also makes life easier if you need to knock in good old fashioned steel or plastic pegs!
Jul 11, 2015
GeorgiePorgie said:
Steve-Jan said:
Hi All
I am sure I am not alone in finding that the pegging down of the awning is one of the most arduous tasks when setting up, second perhaps to threading the awning through the channel. has anyone come up with some sort of device similar to the long handled bulb planter I have just used for my Daffs? something to allow one to position and drive in the peg from a standing position. I get very wet sore knees crawling round and my artificial hips preclude squatting or bending that far.
any ideas gratefully received!!

Hi Jan,
Having had a hip replacement ( So now I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!) & osteoarthritis I have similar problems when pegging out the awning, as previously stated by other posters, a long handle peg inserter just doesn't exist & if it did I don't think it would work very well, so the way I get around the problem is:-
1. I use screw in pegs driven in & extracted with a battery operated power drill, it also winds down & up the corner steadies (using different sized sockets).
2. I have a garden "Garden Kneeler Seat" no more wet knees!!! It's a brilliant bit of kit! see here for details https://www.coopersofstortford.co.uk/garden/st06067i/ or just go to their web site & type in garden kneeler seat. It also makes life easier if you need to knock in good old fashioned steel or plastic pegs!

I use a half of one of those interlocking flooring mats, like these:
to kneel on when required to peg in, pull out, fit waste manifold, and any other tasks that require kneeling.

Use the half with 2 full 'tiles' to provide a clean area around the caravan step to remove / put on boots.

If they get muddy a quick blast with the pressure washer soon sorts them out when home.

Take up hardly any room in the front nearside locker, and weigh very little.


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