Pet passport?

Apr 9, 2006
We lost our Staffie Bonnie last year after 15 glorious years,after much thought we have bought a lovely jack russel x westie,we have booked for France next year and want to take her with us.How much does a pet passport cost and how do i go about it cheers A.J
Aug 8, 2005

get the dog to your vet NOW .

It's my understanding that sometimes the first Rabies vaccination doesn't take and has to be repeated.

Remember there is the 6 month waiting period.

When the Pet Passport scheme came out our Vet phoned us and told us it was on it's way - that was August and we had the dog vaccinated immediately - we were lucky - and excellent response and that meant the dog was ready to go on April 1 when the scheme actually started.

Check if you have about 7 months before your date of travel - you will need this. With any luck your vet will be able to tell you everything that's needed.
Mar 14, 2005
Angela, please take note that the six month period is before you can bring the dog BACK into the country. You can take it out anytime.EG, if you want to return home in September, say, then the dog must be done in March.
Jul 26, 2005
All the foregoing is good advice but here's my experience too.

Ensure your vet is fully up to speed on the requirements by quizzing them thoroughly, we changed ours for this reason and even then did not realise that not all vets in a practice are authorised to stamp the passport.

The costs are as incurred and so you shouldn't have to pay for everything up front - chipping is the first step and the most expensive treatment is the blood test to ensure the injection has "taken"

6 months should be allowed for before a travel and return to UK to ensure all the requirements have been met and your dog should be at least 7 months old before treatment starts.

The "Tick and Tape" regulation is a bit of a racket in my opinion and all it really means is that a vet has certified that your dog has been treated for worms and fleas. The treatment is usually a dose of frontline and a worm pill at a vastly inflated price. I think the French and Spanish vets are having a right laugh at us Brits here!

Finally don't get caught like we did - our vet had forgotton to stamp the passport when the booster injection was done and like idiots we didn't notice this. The official at Eurotunnel in Calais did though and wouldn't allow our dog to return - the matter was resolved in the end by a series of phone calls and faxes from Defra but it was very stressful indeed.

So in summary get a good vet and check all the paperwork carefully before you leave UK and don't worry about the Tick and Tape thing too much except to ensure that the euro vet date time stamps the passport correctly.

Finally, in my experience the British girls at Speedferry in France are great with animals and great to deal with, the French Eurotunnel crew in Calais officious and indifferent even making the owner carry out the chip indentification.

Good luck and don't worry it's all quite easy really.
Dec 30, 2009
David W we had the same expeience 2 years ago with the passport not being stampped I can Agree with you it was a very stessful waite untill the fax came through and in the end all was well.

Kevin H
Apr 9, 2006
Thanks for all the advise we have visited the vet for first injections and check ups he has worked out that the passport would be valid from the day we come back on the ferry so i don,t think we will risk it,she will have to go to her 'grandma's' ta to everybody again,

Have a Happy New Year



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