place's that just don't add up

Aug 29, 2010
Hi every one when we go off to places i alway take my past magazine for that area and try and go to the place recomended in it, we have had some nice teas , meal, and events to go to but for our last trip to the new forrest a tearoom in lyndhurst, we went to the one in the mag because of the good write up it was buzy and we got a table for two.We had a quick look over the menu we ordered a creamtea the scones where large and the jam was very small pot not enougth for two so we asked for more not untill the bill came that the 25g jam cost us 75p as a extra the waiter said that he was to blame ,as he had not tolds of the extra cost but the manger was rude [ i dont care you have to pay it ]and was only interested in taking the money. I do not blame the magazine for printing about places but was wondering if anyone else as had the same promblem with other recomended place
Aug 4, 2004
Why do you think it is a wind up? I would also object if I ordered for two and there was hardly enough to go around for two people. I would be even more annoyed if they tried to charge me for the difference to make it up to two sevings. It has happened to us and I refused on principle to pay the extra even though it was only 50p!
Oct 30, 2008
Unless I am missing something here, what I don't understand is, if you ask for something surely you should expect to pay for it. Therefore if you order extra Jam, why wouldn't you expect to pay for it? Seems fair to me.
Dec 16, 2003
Perhaps you encountered the Desperate Dan Appreciation Society.

"God save strawberry jam and all the different varieties"
Nov 5, 2006
If I ordered a tea for 2 I would expect enough for 2 ,& as the jam came in a small jar would you have accepted half a jar if you ordered for 1??
Aug 4, 2004
No wonder retailers walk all over us as we never complain. As a result, they just keep hiking up their prices and like dummies we continue to pay high prices for shoddy goods and poor service! Helpings get smaller and smaller yet the price increases.


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