plastic water

Mar 14, 2005
Have been getting a bad "plastic" taste from my drinking water --tried various cleaning appliances but it it still there---we have just been using the water direct from the tap now and even after a period of lying in the kettle it seems tainted---looks like a re-pipe and a new kettle!!---any suggestions would be appreciated
Mar 14, 2005
hi rob we used to have the same problem and like tried all the usall steralizing liquids etc. we found that if we run the water a little so you are not using that in the pipe and a stainless steel kettle which is empted each time we want tea no more problems now good luck peter
Apr 13, 2006

We used to have the same problem and spent many months buying bottled water for drinking in the van. Then last Christmas a kind soul bought us a Britta water jug / filter system, originally destined for use at home, but we found it cured the plastic water in the van so it's now become a permanent fixture there.
Nov 6, 2005
Buy a Bailey, purge the system every season with Puriclean, or similar chlorine-based cleanser, job done no problems.

Some manufacturers use poor quality pipework to save a few pence so the probable answer is to replace all the pipework, as repeated cleansing won't take the problem away.
Mar 14, 2005
First things first I bought a 5 gallon clear water bottle which I used for a couple of months which at the end of the season with us being in Spain went green. So make sure if you haven't got a clear container that its clean. We use Milton which I leave in the system for about 3 hours. We have had no problems after using this :).... Just an idea, and we have a Lunar Lexon EB.. :)
Mar 14, 2005

I used to have this problem until I starting treating the Aqua Roll with "Aquasol" at the start of each season. I have never flushed the pipework through, in my case I found that the Aqua Roll was the main source of the problem.

Jul 15, 2005
Leave the cap off the Aquaroll? Yes - especially if you can store the Aquaroll with the opening pointing downwards, then it should dry out and the plastic taste can no longer leach into any water left inside.

I'm very sensitive to the plastic taste, so we use a washed out 2 litre milk bottle for drinking or cooking water, filling as required.

Jul 15, 2005
Forgot to add:

The plastic taste is usually caused by organic chlorine compounds - if you live in an area with water that runs through peat or other organic rich soils - the water picks up very small amounts (around 1 part in a million) of decomposition compounds from the organic matter.

This is fine, you can't taste these breakdown compounds. But the water is naturally acidic from these solis - and when you add a bleach tablet or if the water authority uses chlorine to sterilise the water - the acid releases a bit of chlorine which bonds to the decomposition compounds - and now you get the plastic taste - quite a few people (like me) can taste these chlorinated compounds at around 1 part in a billion.

These chlorinated compounds dissolve in plastic better than water - so they migrate into the walls of the plastic container - and then slowly release each time you fill the tank.

Bleach tablets in normal water work by releasing elemental oxygen from the water - but if the water is in any way acidic - then a second, different chemical reaction occurs and chlorine is released as well. So never, ever deliberately add acid to bleach - unless you want a real surprise.

Aug 22, 2005
I found a thing called Pipe-Flush from FSD Direct, bought it at my local caravan shop. Not cheap but made the taste of my water improve.


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