porch awnings

Jan 10, 2007
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Some friends of ours want to buy a porch awning, but before they buy they contacted the caravan club who said that they did not recommend porch awnings because they damage the awning rail.

Needless to say they have been put off buying said porch awning.

After all these years that porch awnings have been used, food for thought?

I have 2 porch awanings,the first one is a conventional type(Dorema Toronro) stopped using this one because of the amount of time it took to put it up and take it down.So we bought one of the tent type (with the fiberglass poles) it goes up in about 5 mins and down the same time (not including the pegging).

Both work well and do not effect the awaning rail in any way.The caravan club is talking nonsense !
Nov 27, 2009
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New one on me.

We have used porch awnings for the last 5 years without any damage, despite some pretty scary winds one time at Grinn Low.

I did damage the previous van with a full sized Bradcott awning in strong winds at the CC New Forest site though. One of the triangular pads that presses against the side of the van side wall twisted because the pole moved and it put a small dint in the aluminium. Nothing major, but it annoyed me everytime I saw it.

Similar small dint on the new caravan now where the door was opened by the better half who failed to remove the key from the lock. Key is wider than clearance between open door and caravan side. Bad design methinks. Needless to say it was somehow my fault :)


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