Need additional fridge/freezer capacity on your caravan holidays? We've reviewed eight products at a variety of price points – click here to find out more.
Sorry way too expensive for me to buy. We can carry enough frozen meat in our freezer part of the caravan fridge for week, and with a coolbox that cost £80 that get to 20 c below ambient. We are fine.
When our fridge packed up in the van just before the off we just got a standard counter top fridge to plug in, in the awning. Worked fine and does as a spare for home £100 job done.
£650.00 what a
Ok if you have specific medical needs I can see the need . For me we have even shied away from the big tall fridge freezers!!
Gabs, Slimming World would struggle to find space for another 7 stone :evil:
I recon you would be lucky to store more than 10 Slimming World meals in one, 500 Grams each,. I can get 6 bottles of wine and 4, 1.5 Ltr bottles of softies in mine. (Thermos) 12 volts and Mains, The beer goes in the inside fridge.
........I use a mains 1.5 cu ft table top Freezer that cost £99.00 some 10 years ago.
This is a compressor freezer that has a cooling capability far superior to a normal caravan refrigerator.
I use it for storing frozen foods and cooling beer and drinks before transferring to the caravan refrigerator and also freezing 2 litre bottles of water.
These frozen bottles of water can then be used as a cooling source for a portable cool box/bag for trips away from the caravan with the car.
We take a mini domestic fridge and freezer on 5+ nights away. Total cost of those was less the £100. They are mains operated and really handy. Wouldn't touch any of those reviewed.