Posh in Cambridge

May 21, 2007
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The wife's invite for her work's annual do came earlier in the year.Black tie do at King's College Cambridge Sat Sept 1st 07.

Coach laid on there and back.

Thereby lay the dilemma.We would need to leave home at 4pm and not get back until 4am or we could find a hotel and stay in Cambridge.What did we do??.What every self respecting caravanner would do.We took the caravan and stayed at Cherry Hinton Caravan club.His lordship would have been proud.I must admit it felt a bit weird walking through the site on route to reception to meet the taxi,but in true caravanning tradition people on the site wolf whistled and wished us good luck for the evening.It made us proud to be caravanners.We also won 2nd prize in the raffle.

Thought I'd share that with you. Another sucessful caravanning weekend.

Mar 14, 2005
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Pat, well done in proving once again what a variable hobby caravanning is! We in the Royale club hold a black tie dinner at our AGM, on site, catered in-house by the site owners. Seeing 40+ people leaving their caravans in full dress is wonderful!
Jan 19, 2008
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Pat, well done in proving once again what a variable hobby caravanning is! We in the Royale club hold a black tie dinner at our AGM, on site, catered in-house by the site owners. Seeing 40+ people leaving their caravans in full dress is wonderful!
Well done emmo ..... 10/10 for spelling :O)


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