You do realise only the English will queue for the loos in France. The French will do it anywhere.
It reminds me of my trucking days, one day at Sommesous Services in France, a mate and I were brewing up in one of the cabs. Boiling hot day, we had the front curtain almost closed to keep the sun out and the side windows wide open for the through draft. Clearly able to see through the half drawn curtains a British plated BMW hutrled in like a lunatic and out jumps the drivers wife in some haste, rather pretty too we of course observed. Using that very odd walk that people do when they are desperate, she set off for the services and realising she prob wouldnt make it turned left and headed straight for us. Straight to the front of the cab she went and bobbed down, using the rad grille for a hand hold. I was just about to make a comment on the cheek of it when my mate says "give her a minute to be sure".
A few seconds later, Geordie John gave her such a blast from the air horns.
What language, and from an English lady too. :lol: