Well a huge crate arrived yesterday from Powertouch containing all the equipment to convert my mover to work a twin axle.
Jim Pallet the local fitter was a great guy and within a few hour my van was up a running.
It took my van up a VERY steep part of my drive and turned the van in our road (thank god it did otherwise my van would have been stuck facing the wrong way in my drive) it performed wonderfully.
Thank you Powertouch for a 1st class service and to your fitter Jim Pallet who was a truly professional fitter.
Jim Pallet the local fitter was a great guy and within a few hour my van was up a running.
It took my van up a VERY steep part of my drive and turned the van in our road (thank god it did otherwise my van would have been stuck facing the wrong way in my drive) it performed wonderfully.
Thank you Powertouch for a 1st class service and to your fitter Jim Pallet who was a truly professional fitter.