Powrtouch AWD

Jun 24, 2005
I've got a Powertouch Evolution AWD on my Bailey Cartagena 2. I fitted it myself. On Monday I'm picking up my new Cartagena 3. On the new models the battery is under the floor and I don't think that the grey lead from the battery to the junction box (where the 1 lead becomes 2 and goes to each control box) will be long enough.

I've been in contact with Powrtouch to see if they will sell me a replacement single lead and they've replied saying that they only sell complete wiring sets. Considering that I have 80% of the wiring set I don't want to do this.

I have a length of mains electric tail wire (which normally goes from the main fuse to the fuse board in a house). The cross section size is the same but the fillament count is different. I'm capable of putting a crimp on the end of it. Can I use this?

Asan alternative, I could put the junction box under the floor, in which case the existing wires will be long enough. My concern is that the junction box might not be weatherproof.

Has anyone else had this problem and what solutions can be offered?
Sep 19, 2007
Maplin have a waterproof junction box. See :-
Oct 3, 2013
Your querie would make more sense if you could specify cross section areas of the existing cable you have and the new cable you hope to use.By "filament" I take it you mean "strand".
You don't say how you arrived at the conclusion that the cross sectional areas of the different cables are the same although the number of strands are different.
Another thing to consider is use a multistrand (flexible) cable rather than a rigid type cable (solid conductors).
Nov 6, 2006
How about here:
http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/product.php/1030/battery-starter-cable - various sizes from which to choose.

I would not move the junction box under the floor - its not just a question of being weatherproof, as its quite a hostile area under the van due to the speed of the air, pollutants and weather combining to cause corrosion eventually.
Jun 24, 2005
bertieboy1 said:
Your querie would make more sense if you could specify cross section areas of the existing cable you have and the new cable you hope to use.By "filament" I take it you mean "strand".
You don't say how you arrived at the conclusion that the cross sectional areas of the different cables are the same although the number of strands are different.
Another thing to consider is use a multistrand (flexible) cable rather than a rigid type cable (solid conductors).

Measured with a micrometer, the Powertouch lead is 8mm and is multi stranded (like a flex), the mains tail lead is also 8mm but has only 7 wires inside. Would they take the same current?
Jun 24, 2005
chrisn7 said:
How about here:
http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/product.php/1030/battery-starter-cable - various sizes from which to choose.

I would not move the junction box under the floor - its not just a question of being weatherproof, as its quite a hostile area under the van due to the speed of the air, pollutants and weather combining to cause corrosion eventually.

In my mind, car battery cable would be ideal due to the load that it's capable of taking. Am I correct?
Aug 15, 2011
Yes the 7 strand cable would work but it won't be as flexible.
when I fitted my mover I ran the cables through 22mm flexible conduit, you could use a small piece to cover the join and after testing that it works correctly seal both ends with a suitable waterproof sealant.


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