Powrtouch 'end cases'

May 17, 2007
Hi, I took delivery of a new my Lunar Clubman in May and it was fitted withn a Powrtouch Classic Mover by my delaer as part of a show deal. This week I took the caravan back to my storage yard after a week in the New Forest and couldn't help but notice that the end cases on the mover were missing! These are the black plastic 'caps' with the word Powrtouch on them that cover the springs. They are held on with long Allen bolts. First thought was that someone has stolen them either at the site in the New Forest of from the storage yard but when I looked around the yard at other caravans there were several with theirs missing too. The chap who owns the yard was as mystified as me and said none of his other users had mentioned theirs being stolen or falling off. Unless someone is going around building a collection(!) I wondered if maybe there is a fault with the way the caps are mounted, and if anyone else has experienced something similar?
Meanwhile I am ordering some new ones from Powrtouch for £35 a pair!
Many thanks
Sep 29, 2016

anyone want to buy cheap Powrtouch end cases, in good nick complete with bolts.

only 10 pairs left, (until I get to the next site).

No paypal, cash only