- Apr 9, 2019
- 122
- 184
- 10,635
Welcome to the Practical Caravan (Motorhome) Marketplace forum. This is the spot for posting information on items you’re looking to sell.
Our forum rules still apply in this section, but there are additional guidelines to keep in mind that are specific to this section.
The first thing to keep in mind is that we at Practical Caravan (Motorhome), Future PLC, and our mods, are not involved in any aspects of your transactions. This is strictly “buyer beware” so be sure to put in due diligence before making a purchase.The Marketplace is only to be used in connection with caravan or motorhome items, no household goods or furniture is allowed.
Before purchasing a caravan, it is wise to use the CRiS tool to explore its full registration history: https://www.cris.co.uk/
If you buy or sell items via the Practical Caravan website you agree to absolve Future plc; Practical Caravan brand employees, and voluntary helpers of any liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, fraud, misrepresentation of goods advertised or perceived negligence, within the United Kingdom and worldwide.
To allow other users to contact you for additional info, please be sure to provide details for interested buyers. This info can consist of a social media account username, such as a Twitter account, or any other details you're comfortable sharing publicly via the forum.
Marketplace Guidelines:
This section of the forums is new, as of August 2019, so it may evolve over time. For the time being, any posts here will need to be approved by a Moderator, so please allow some time for review before expecting to see the post publicly. If buyers and sellers find this to be a helpful manner of doing business, we’re happy to continue to support it. If issues become prevalent, we’ll respond accordingly.
Thanks to Parksy for suggesting this section and for working with Damien to keep things running so smoothly!
Our forum rules still apply in this section, but there are additional guidelines to keep in mind that are specific to this section.
The first thing to keep in mind is that we at Practical Caravan (Motorhome), Future PLC, and our mods, are not involved in any aspects of your transactions. This is strictly “buyer beware” so be sure to put in due diligence before making a purchase.The Marketplace is only to be used in connection with caravan or motorhome items, no household goods or furniture is allowed.
Before purchasing a caravan, it is wise to use the CRiS tool to explore its full registration history: https://www.cris.co.uk/
If you buy or sell items via the Practical Caravan website you agree to absolve Future plc; Practical Caravan brand employees, and voluntary helpers of any liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, fraud, misrepresentation of goods advertised or perceived negligence, within the United Kingdom and worldwide.
To allow other users to contact you for additional info, please be sure to provide details for interested buyers. This info can consist of a social media account username, such as a Twitter account, or any other details you're comfortable sharing publicly via the forum.
Marketplace Guidelines:
- If you are not interested in buying or selling, or you have nothing positive to say, do not post in an effort to undermine another forum user! If you think the asking price is too high, or you want to make a lower offer, contact the seller off forum.
- Posts to sell a caravan, or other accessories, should include clear images of the items for sale. There are websites for uploading images that you can link to in your post. Find some tips for linking to images in this post: https://www.practicalcaravan.com/forum/our-website/56475-posting-pictures
- Multiple Threads -- Please keep no more than one thread of any type (For Sale, For Trade, Want To Buy, etc.) active at the same time. For example, you might have a FS thread and a WTB thread. This helps keep the forums from filling up with posts from just one or two people.
- Please be considerate of your fellow members.
- Please use the SEARCH feature to see if an item you want is available for sale already.
- Please update your threads when you have sold your items or found what you wanted.
- Don’t post to threads over 3 months old. If new information is available, feel free to post a new thread with the current information.
- It is a buyer’s responsibility to check the condition of potential purchases, and Future plc, Practical Caravan & Motorhome, Brand employees or volunteer helpers are not responsible for the accuracy of any advice offered by forum members.
- It is a buyer’s sole responsibility to check that the vendor has the right to sell any item offered for sale on the website Marketplace. Future plc, Practical Caravan & Motorhome magazines, Brand employees and voluntary helpers are not responsible for any loss incurred as a result of transactions carried out on this website marketplace.
- Trading Rules:
- You may not sell something you do not have in your immediate possession.
- Future plc (plus mags, employees mods etc) prohibit the publication of any implied warranty or guarantee on goods for sale, and accept no responsibility for the transference or integrity of such guarantees.
- No auction style posts (best offer, make an offer, etc.). This includes links to items listed on auction sites (eBay, etc.) and links to eBay users' "My World" pages which would show auctions if they were present at the time.
- No price checks. These are often used as pretext to solicit auction style bids.
- No links to lists of items offered for sale, trade, etc. on other sites. Please list your items in your thread.
- Your thread should clearly state what you’re trying to do and what item is being listed. Be as clear and concise as possible in the space available.
- No "Group Buys." If you do not own it, you can't sell or trade it.
- No "services" allowed. (ex. I can build xxx for you @ xxx each)
- No "dealers" or vendors of any kind. If you acquire items in quantity (bulk sales) with the intent of offering them for resale, here, you are a dealer under this rule. In addition, you may not place URL's in your posts, profile or signature that link to an offsite FS/T list.
- Please Note: PayPal's terms of service prohibit charging buyers a "service fee" or "service charge." It is also against PayPal's terms of service to send a personal or gift payment for merchandise. This is also bad, because if something were to happen, NEITHER party has any recourse through PayPal should a dispute arise.
This section of the forums is new, as of August 2019, so it may evolve over time. For the time being, any posts here will need to be approved by a Moderator, so please allow some time for review before expecting to see the post publicly. If buyers and sellers find this to be a helpful manner of doing business, we’re happy to continue to support it. If issues become prevalent, we’ll respond accordingly.
Thanks to Parksy for suggesting this section and for working with Damien to keep things running so smoothly!