private or dealer??

Apr 28, 2010
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hi we are upgrading our caravan and have a budget of about £6000 to spend. we have always had really old caravans and are really looking forward to having a nice modern one. We are unsure on whether to look at people selling privately or would you buy from a caravans sales place? just wondered what everyones opinions are please.
Feb 1, 2010
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As long as you are pretty knowledgeable, I would advise you to buy privately, as you should get a better ven for your money, but you will have no come back if there is a problem with it.

If you are not comfortable with this, it may be an idea to pay someone to do a full inspection for you. It could be money well spent, but expensive if you keep looking at poor quality caravans.

Best of luck,

Aug 23, 2009
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I've been looking out for a van for friends and most of what is on the dealers forecourts at this price I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. The dealers seem to be taking advantage in the upturn in demand and pricing things at silly money in pretty poor condition, dirty smelly and horrible. I would of been embarressed to trade in a van in that condition let alone have it put on a forecourt. I would, if you know what your doing go down the private route in this price bracket and get yourself (probably) a much better deal. Check very carefully for damp, check with Hpi for outstanding finance and cris for registration detail etc then you ahve most bases covered. Try everything to make sure it works well and anything that isn't working should be reflected in the price
Mar 10, 2006
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I have sold my last two caravans privately, bought were priced to sell, and in excellent condition. If you can buy from a private owner who has obviously looked after the van, you will save at lest


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Stacey

My friend 'sold' his caravan last week, the buyer paid for it and then later in the week demanded his money back because he claims to have found damp.

My friend refutes this and he could have gone to court and would probably have won the case but because he's decent and kind hearted he's refunded the money.

You can read about it Here

The point is that if you do decide to buy from a private vendor have the caravan checked thoroughly by a competent person such as an approved mobile service engineer before you buy because if you discover faults later you will have no redress.
Apr 13, 2010
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is there not a sales contract you can get from somewhere? i know that you can get various ones as when i was buying another horse a few years back i downloaded one, paid for it and took it away, within a couple of weeks it ended up having to go to the vets, checked him out and it turns out it had bots and its insides were a mess and had to be put down, luckily as i had the contract it had some form of clause just stating that any problems routing back to before the transaction was made that wasnt declared during the purchase was there liability.

saved me a fair few thousand anyway so maybe worth a look
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Danny,

That is a possible route, but you need both parties to agree to use it.

There is also the problem that a pre written contract for the sale of livestock, would need to be very different to one for a caravan if it were to be watertight (excuse the pun), so it is unlikely there is a ready made contract you could use.

It has always been a tennent of UK law that the buyer should be aware, (Caveat emptor, sold as seen no implied warranty or guarantee etc.) and make all reasonable efforts to ascertain the the condition and title of the goods before agreeing a transaction. That still holds true for private second-hand transactions.


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