Probably the worst"Top Tips"in the world.....Ever!

May 4, 2005
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Following on from something mentioned in another topic I thought I'd share some of my favorite "top tips" which should win an award for either stating the obvious or simply beg the question "WHY?".Without mentioning pipe insultion,clothes falling off the rail in the wardrobe or unravelling toilet rolls ( the last two i've not had happen in 20 years) my favorites are...1)If you have a single plug socket but have two appliences buy a double plug adaptor.2)Rather than put clothes in a case and have to unpack,hang them in the wardrobe before you go.3)To make it easier to get an aerial pointing in the right direction ,look at other aerials and point it in the same direction 4)If you buy french baguettes store then in a top locker as its wider.5)Store a wet umbrella outside in a carrier bag tied using the handles at the top.and 6)To stop bottles rattling in a cupboard when on the move put each one in a sock.These are all genuine "top tips".Does anyone have any more they would like to share .Remember , if it makes sense,it doesn't count.....Brian
Apr 11, 2005
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aaahhh thats where I was going wrong, I had my baguettes in my socks,must of read it wrong !!! thought I had some horrendous toe disease!! Think I'll stick to crusty bloomers from now on !!!
Apr 11, 2005
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I've just read a good one that says to "put a pair of nylon tights over the top of aquaroll,this way AIR CAN CIRCULATE AND NOTHING CAN GET IN "

ha ha exactly what nylon tights were made for !!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Worst tip- If you are having rice with your evening meal buy the boil in the bag varity and drain it over the sink taps, saves having to use a collendar.

Best Tip- Go to the pub for your tea!!!!
Apr 4, 2005
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Hows this for a "TOP TIP"? soap on a rope.

Recently in your magazine there has been mention of modern shower cubicles, and how if you drop the soap there isn't enough room to pick it up. When our friends bought a caravan with the 'beam me up Scotty' type of cubicle, I presented them with a block of soap with a hole drilled through the middle. I had threaded a length of nylon guy rope through the hole and tied it in a loop. This meant that it could be fastened round the shower hose and easily retrieved if dropped. It's a really useful idea that we have been using for years.

Before anyone asks its not mt top tip!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hows this for a "TOP TIP"? soap on a rope.

Recently in your magazine there has been mention of modern shower cubicles, and how if you drop the soap there isn't enough room to pick it up. When our friends bought a caravan with the 'beam me up Scotty' type of cubicle, I presented them with a block of soap with a hole drilled through the middle. I had threaded a length of nylon guy rope through the hole and tied it in a loop. This meant that it could be fastened round the shower hose and easily retrieved if dropped. It's a really useful idea that we have been using for years.

Before anyone asks its not mt top tip!
Steve, its called soap on a rope available from all good supermarkets or drug stores .Tom
Mar 14, 2005
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Tights on a aquarole? That I would like to see. Do you have to have have two? one for each leg?

SHMBO now insists that we take time to remove tights when we "rock the caravan" as we forgot once and an resulted in her toes being bent backwards

Very off-putting
Mar 14, 2005
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I suspect that it was my comment that gave you the idea for this thread, (may be wrong). I remember the Readers Tip that caused me to write in to PCM was someone recommending non-slip matting to prevent things from slipping. I mentioned that this was a product recommendation and not a tip. But got no response. Another was putting a rubber band around glass jars to stop them from breaking if they fall out of the locker when arriving on site. Good grief. What really cheesed me off, was that at least three of the prize winning suggestions were things that I was doing anyway and were bleedin' obvious.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hiya Tina,

Thats how you can tell a woman is wearing tights, When she passes wind her ankles swell up............

Happy travelling

Apr 11, 2005
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I actually think the idea about the elastic bands is a good one !! if i'd of known this then maybe my fridge top would've been saved when my daughter decided to drop a tin of spaghetti hoops on it !!!!! think its a bit easier to just put a mat down though !!!!!!!!Barney love the swollen ankles, perhaps you could help Brian with his sandy balls !!x