May 1, 2007
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Hi Folks I have just joined and have not got around to introducing myself on the new member section. I am interested to know of any members who have had trouble with Elddis Crusader Huricane (2 berth) or indeed any Elddis regarding the units coming away from the walls.

I have an Elddis as above and it is the sorriest day of my life that I ever purchased it and I live in hope that someday someone will come and take it away!!

The units have seperated from the walls twice and thus far Explorer say "not a manufacturing fault"

Looking forward to any news.

Many thanks in anticipation.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Vaughan, you dont say how old the van is? . We purchased an Omega 505 in 2003, new but an ex-demo van. After 3Yrs of ownership we where glad to see it go. A real cataloge of disasters from day one. We had looked forward to the van so much after looking round it, but i went down hill on the very first day and took it back for some tempary repairs so we could use it on our hols. The last nail in it's coffin was when only 3yrs old we where informed it had damp in it. We had the van inspected and Explorer said yes they would do the repairs. Whilst all this was going on we looked for another van, at one site we where asked about the and I told the rep about the damp and it was being delt with, his next statement made me think again. Since day one the sliding doors at the rear of the van had never operated properly, always coming off the rails, the Rep told me of two vans that had just been traded in of the same MY as ours and the floors could'nt support the vans! So as they were traveling down the road the edges of the floor and side wall seem where flexing and allowing it to become damp. We now have a very nice NEW Coachman Pastiche, what a bloody differance. Best wishes Bazz.
Mar 14, 2005
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Vaughan your contract is with the dealer who supplied the van. You must take issue with them and not the manufacturer. You have entered a contract with the dealer and they have a contract, as agents, with the manufacturer. Depending on the age of the van and how long you have owned the van it could be rejected under the Sale of Goods Act as being not of merchantable quality. If the dealer will not budge on carrying out the necessary repairs under a warranty you have the right to make a claim against them in the Small Claims Court. Generally when dealers are threatened this way they back down as the local press would report on the case and it would result in bad publicity for them. Another approach if the van was bought by means of funding with hire purchase, inform the HP company as technically speaking the van is their property until you have made the final payment. The only time the dealer would be in their rights was if the van was sold to you as used and the dealer made a written statement "Sold as Seen without warranty". If you bought the van second hand privately then you will have a harder job seeking recompence as you would have to sue the vendor. Good luck in your quest and in the first instance seek help from the local CAB centre or the local authority trading officer.
May 1, 2007
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Vaughan your contract is with the dealer who supplied the van. You must take issue with them and not the manufacturer. You have entered a contract with the dealer and they have a contract, as agents, with the manufacturer. Depending on the age of the van and how long you have owned the van it could be rejected under the Sale of Goods Act as being not of merchantable quality. If the dealer will not budge on carrying out the necessary repairs under a warranty you have the right to make a claim against them in the Small Claims Court. Generally when dealers are threatened this way they back down as the local press would report on the case and it would result in bad publicity for them. Another approach if the van was bought by means of funding with hire purchase, inform the HP company as technically speaking the van is their property until you have made the final payment. The only time the dealer would be in their rights was if the van was sold to you as used and the dealer made a written statement "Sold as Seen without warranty". If you bought the van second hand privately then you will have a harder job seeking recompence as you would have to sue the vendor. Good luck in your quest and in the first instance seek help from the local CAB centre or the local authority trading officer.
Thanks for your comments. The van is new 2006 bought in 2006 and for one year I have had nothing but trouble. It is too long a saga to relate here but I have explored the legal route and having parted with several hundred pounds a barrister has given me a report basically saying that my case is flawed which I won't go into here.

I have now changed my dealer and am interested in similar instances, as below, to argue a point.

1. End wall between bathroom and living kitchen coming adrift from ceiling

2. Units on both sides coming away from the outside wall.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Vaughan, Colin is correct, your issues are with the suppling dealer not the manefacturer if you can call explorer that. When we where dealing with them for the issues and parts for the warranty work on our old van we met the staff at one of the shows! To say it was abit frought would be putting it mildly. They had the ordassity to offer us another van from there line up, "Barge pole" came into the conversation on several occassions. After all this we had had enough, and we took the van back to the suppling dealer, insisted on a better T/I than we had been offered else where and changed the van. I dont hold the dealer to question but the ball is smack in explorer's court for not getting it right. Best wishes and hope you get what you want, Bazz


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