putting up an awning

Nov 7, 2005
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Bad news is there's no known cure for this ailment, except to pile in and do it, making a complete pig's ear of it all, and providing endless mirth for the entire caravan site. Call it an initiation rite! Oh, and the second time you do it, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about...
Apr 27, 2005
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Put up the poles in the garden and then mark them all. I used cheap spray paint. It will still be a nightmare the first time and people will watch with glee. You'll probably fall out, my wife and I always do. Remember not to swear to loudly, awning walls are not very well insulated.

You might find some helpful sole with advise, good or bad.

Best of luck it will be easier the second time.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Emma

I would say with a BIG glass of wine and a sense of humour!!!!!

Also though have a practice run at home first so you get all the little niggles out of the way !!!!

Tina x
Mar 2, 2006
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go to tow sure web site click on tuscany awnings there you'll find a instruction video for that awning they are all much the same.

keep the glass of wine until you have got the awning up you'll enjoy it more.
Apr 3, 2005
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Hi Emma, run the awning through the awning rail on the caravan, then lay all the poles out on the floor infront of the awning, ie, centre poles, left hand poles, right hand poles.

Then, start with the centre poles, then erect either left or right hand poles and connecting poles from centre to left and right.

once all the poles are up, you can start to peg the skirting down, always make sure the doors are zipped up before pegging, or you wont be able to zip up afterwards

When you've done it once you will wonder what all the fuss was about.

Happy caravanning, Andrew.
Jun 25, 2005
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Our awning poles are marked with coloured tape, eg any pole with white tape means fits into centre pole, coloured tape means poles for back and front of awning. We start by putting the poles out on the floor, in position, then sliding the awning into the track. Contect the poles to the awning , zip in the relevant sections of awning, adjust the tension of the poles, make sure all zips are closed, peg down awning. We have also marked the sections front and back, on the loops that hold the awning curtains in place to make life easier. The awning carpet, breathable of course, goes down last. If the ground is damp or wet, when you take the awning down, you can fold the awning on the awning carpet.

If you have kids, its a good idea to keep the kids busy while putting up the awning and have a large glass of your favourite tipple ready for when the job is done.This works for us. We have just returned from a weekend away Friday after work until today, next jaunt Easter for a longer break. We have 3 kids. They key thing is do not panic. Enjoy your jaunts. Annette


Mar 14, 2005
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I can't give you any tips on the actual erection of an awning. (Sorry for that word). However I would advise:

Smile sweetly at your partner when he swears

When he asks for a particular pole, pretend you know what he's talking about and search for it

When he asks 'does that look level?' Say yes even if it doesn't (you can always blame a gust of wind later)

Don't moan that your arms are aching like mad

If all else fails, put cotton wool in your ears and just nod now and again.

Dec 1, 2005
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The first time we put our awning up we were in the middle of a blizzard - we argued and almost packed up and came home.

The second time was loads better, we were more organised and wondered what all the fuss was about!

Take everything you say to each other with a large pinch of salt, you are so stressed with each other, you won't mean it!

Good luck

Lolly x
Dec 30, 2009
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I can't give you any tips on the actual erection of an awning. (Sorry for that word). However I would advise:

Smile sweetly at your partner when he swears

When he asks for a particular pole, pretend you know what he's talking about and search for it

When he asks 'does that look level?' Say yes even if it doesn't (you can always blame a gust of wind later)

Don't moan that your arms are aching like mad

If all else fails, put cotton wool in your ears and just nod now and again.

Lisa have you been talking to my wife???

Kevin H
Nov 6, 2005
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My wife and I do most things together wonderfully well, yes really! but we never really managed to co-ordinate to put an awning up. We soon evolved a set-up routine that saw me putting up the awning on my own, it's not that difficult. Two heads aren't always better than one.


Mar 14, 2005
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I can't give you any tips on the actual erection of an awning. (Sorry for that word). However I would advise:

Smile sweetly at your partner when he swears

When he asks for a particular pole, pretend you know what he's talking about and search for it

When he asks 'does that look level?' Say yes even if it doesn't (you can always blame a gust of wind later)

Don't moan that your arms are aching like mad

If all else fails, put cotton wool in your ears and just nod now and again.

Hi Kevin, yes I saw your wife the other week in Tesco. She said you are as bad as my husband. (I'm an expert at looking like I understand what he's talking about, same as when I arrive on site, the warden gives me a map and says 'follow the road round till you reach block B, etc etc and your pitch is there on the left......'. I don't know why but I just nod, get back in the car and think 'where on earth is my pitch'. I then find it easier to just keep driving round the campsite, van in tow until I eventually stumble upon the pitch!

Mar 30, 2006
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hi, thanks for all your helpful hints, will be sure to drink plenty, look useful, give children sweets to amuse them and smile sweetly!.......................... first time on saturday wish us luck!
Mar 14, 2005
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Buy a SunnCamp Scenic Plus - simple to put up, takes 15 minutes.
hey l.b.

theres a man can put up a full awning on his tod in 20 mins and you can only put up a 'SCENIC'IN 15.shame on you

ps will lend you okto puzzy
Mar 14, 2005
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On top of all the other helpful tips.

We always put the groundsheet out first - helps to keep the awning clean. Try to put up the awning when you're not too tired if poss, ie, not just after a long journey to the site. Try to avoid hot times of the day - a closed awning can get VERY STUFFY especially with the exertions of putting it up. A step to stand on is useful for the high part = the caravan step might be high enough depends how tall you are. If you've got kids get them to help - we miss the assistance of ours now they're too big to caravan with us.

This is my BEST TIP. Does your 'van awning rail have wider sections near the top of the vertical sections. If it does you can start the awning roof section there and then slide the side sections in afterwards. It saves having to drag the awning sides along the roof. Hope that's clear -it's a tip we got from a seasoned 'vanner who saw us putting up our awning.

Make sure the rail is clear and clean. Spreader, brush and lubricant made by W4 can help things along.

Try to keep calm, nigh impossible, and remember you WILL get there eventually. Practise DOES make better.

Happy 'vanning

May 2, 2005
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I never put the awning up on the day of arrival at a site. Relax and do it the next day...when you are refreshed.

Remember, even if it is a complete disaster, someone will always help you....eventually...once they stop laughing...

Happy Caravanning...

Jun 23, 2005
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Well said david we always do it the next day too. Myself my wife and the kids all get involved making it a very easy task now. I have colour coded the poles with electricians tape so i know what goes where and joins onto which bit. My only grip is that we bought the biggest awning we could get as novices which is great for space but we cant get any of the enviornmentaly friendly carpets/groundsheets to fit its depth most of the carpets/groundsheets are just a couple of feet short.

Apr 10, 2006
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Hi Kevin, yes I saw your wife the other week in Tesco. She said you are as bad as my husband. (I'm an expert at looking like I understand what he's talking about, same as when I arrive on site, the warden gives me a map and says 'follow the road round till you reach block B, etc etc and your pitch is there on the left......'. I don't know why but I just nod, get back in the car and think 'where on earth is my pitch'. I then find it easier to just keep driving round the campsite, van in tow until I eventually stumble upon the pitch!

Oh, i do that too, whenever i'm given instructions i smile and nod knowledgably while the info slips merrily into one ear and then straight out of the other!!! ha ha, I'm so pleased i'm not alone, i thought it was just me! Why don't we ask them to repeat it? i've no IDEA- i just never would...
