Well I'm sorry if that struck a raw nerve - no offence intended. It's just that I think a lot of ordinary folk. hard pressed families, are suffering greatly - and unfairly - in the current fuel, excise duty, carbon footprint crises.
The way I see is it that if there's a crisis, there's a crisis full stop. Not a crisis for some - not for others.
So while families across the country are under the cosh, the Trooping of the Colour goes on regardless at vast and incredible cost in fuel and manpower (which we're all paying for) whether we like it or not. Absolutely no offence to our forces - they're brilliant, My point is, are they any more brilliant at this time for flying over London for the, yes, pointless exercise of massaging the much extended royal family ego??
And then there's the truckers. It's not a question of sitting on a$s*$ wingeing. It's a question of being realistic. The most truckers can hope for is abolition of the 2p a litre - yes 2p - fuel escalator in October. You can't change market forces. This is a 2p reduction on prices maybe hitting 200p a litre soon! That would represent .01 of the price of a litre!! It just occured to me that they'll take a long time to get their money back for driving up and down motorways - at 120p a litre - for no purpose other than making a point we are all well aware of...
OK, make the protest, but in reality the increase in the tax element is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the market force.
Sorry, just Wittering on a bit more...LOL all...