Queens Flypast

Mar 14, 2005
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Just about to have lunch when when the first of the Jet planes flew over our house giving us this year the best views ever, as the planes were flying a lot lower, very very noisy . No Red Arrows first time without them.

Just saw on the news the flypast at Buckingham Palace with the Battle of Britian memorial flight, they must have formed away from us.

Colchester Zoo is 3 miles south of us , guess the Elephants got a good view.
Nov 7, 2005
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So as I sit here contemplating when - if - I am going to get my get my next gallon of diesel - and at what price! - and as I sit here being lambasted by one and all for driving a, wait for it, planet-murdering 4x4, and as I sit here penalised in every way for my carbon-footprint (comparatively low, but what's the point of arguing the toss), I ponder...

Scores of planes flying over London for a completely pointless flypast exercise...

George Bush flying in with two 747s and a 757, and four helicopters...for a completely pointless exercise...

Scores of lorry drivers driving up and down motorways - for a completely pointless exercise...

Funny ol' world, ain't it???
Mar 25, 2008
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Quote by Colinn:

Scores of lorry drivers driving up and down motorways - for a completely pointless exercise...

Colinn it is not a pointless exercise at all it might even get you a cheaper gallon of fuel, shame you didn't join them to make your point known instead of moaning on here about it.

Jan 19, 2008
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I agree with you Andrew. All people do is sit on their a$s*$ whinging and blahedy blahing about the cost of fuel etc. but aren't prepared to do anything about it. At least those lorry drivers are trying to alter the situation, unlike their colleagues the tanker drivers who are exploiting the situation for their own greed.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Royston. The Red Arrows are on tour in the USA. The aircraft formed up over the east coast, flew along the Mall and then headed off to Brize Norton in formation for another flypast. My brother was in the F3 Tornado on the RHS of the Nimrod, and I can only presume Colinn must be from Peterborough where they do their fair share of RAF Bashing! I am immensely proud of our armed forces and the difficult task they do under an ungrateful Government. This year is the 90th Anniversary of the RAF and I for one do not begrudge the costs involved of putting on an excellent display of pomp for our 82 year old Queen.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Gary and Frank guess you hit the nail on the head, I was stationed at Wittering when the v bombers were there,also I have just spent 24 hrs at the Peterborough Hospital,my wife was rushed their suffering from a very low pulse 30 back to normal thankgoodness the paramedics were service personel as where a lot of the internal staff all different ranks, Living near a Garrison Town nothing but praise for all they do.

Nov 7, 2005
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Well I'm sorry if that struck a raw nerve - no offence intended. It's just that I think a lot of ordinary folk. hard pressed families, are suffering greatly - and unfairly - in the current fuel, excise duty, carbon footprint crises.

The way I see is it that if there's a crisis, there's a crisis full stop. Not a crisis for some - not for others.

So while families across the country are under the cosh, the Trooping of the Colour goes on regardless at vast and incredible cost in fuel and manpower (which we're all paying for) whether we like it or not. Absolutely no offence to our forces - they're brilliant, My point is, are they any more brilliant at this time for flying over London for the, yes, pointless exercise of massaging the much extended royal family ego??

And then there's the truckers. It's not a question of sitting on a$s*$ wingeing. It's a question of being realistic. The most truckers can hope for is abolition of the 2p a litre - yes 2p - fuel escalator in October. You can't change market forces. This is a 2p reduction on prices maybe hitting 200p a litre soon! That would represent .01 of the price of a litre!! It just occured to me that they'll take a long time to get their money back for driving up and down motorways - at 120p a litre - for no purpose other than making a point we are all well aware of...

OK, make the protest, but in reality the increase in the tax element is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the market force.

Sorry, just Wittering on a bit more...LOL all...
Nov 7, 2005
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Hi Royston. The Red Arrows are on tour in the USA. The aircraft formed up over the east coast, flew along the Mall and then headed off to Brize Norton in formation for another flypast. My brother was in the F3 Tornado on the RHS of the Nimrod, and I can only presume Colinn must be from Peterborough where they do their fair share of RAF Bashing! I am immensely proud of our armed forces and the difficult task they do under an ungrateful Government. This year is the 90th Anniversary of the RAF and I for one do not begrudge the costs involved of putting on an excellent display of pomp for our 82 year old Queen.
Hi Gary, you're quite wrong. I did not, and would not want to bash any of our wonderful armed forces. Fact is they do as they're ordered and I just questioned the wisdom at this difficult time of participating - at vast expense - in this royal extravangza. Quite rightly, the RAF have already enjoyed numerous celebration fly-pasts of their 90th anniversary - well deserved.

And I love the Red Arrows - but there's something wrong if they can burn fuel like there's no tomorrow while the rest of us are branded pariahs for going about our business in the vehicles we deem appropriate for doing our job!
Nov 7, 2005
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I call my first witness, m'lud..

Mr Andrew Tinkler, boss of Eddie Stobbart Group (the largest privately owned haulage group in the UK) explaining why he too considered it pointless to commit any of his HGVs to the motorway protest:

"Gordon Brown stopping 2p for a year does not solve the issue" - Times Business June 16.



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