Hi Plotter
The lobster is a lilo type thingy which my daughter lays on.
The pool is 12ft diameter and the depth of the water is 36 inches it holds about 9000 litres of water.
It's primarily for the dog's use. My daughter and I did go in it when we filled it about three weeks ago and I had to get out rather sharply as the water was so cold, it felt like it was burning me legs! I've just looked at the thermometer and it's currently 60 F which is very cold.
SBT's don't fair well in intense heat (being short haired, longer haired dogs don't tend to feel the heat as much). So when the weather warms up, they'll appreciate the pool as roadwork will be limited.
I bet you're learning more and more about SBT's arn't you? You'll be an expert next time you see your neighbours and will be able to roll off facts and figures to them no prob!
Do you know what a swingpole is? Would you like to see Diesel in action on his?
It's another excellent form of exercise, really builds up the jaw muscles, chest (sternohyoid, sternooccipital, cleidobrachial, acromical, deltoid), neck (cleidocervical, trapezium cervical) and topline (trapezium thoracic, latissiumus dorsialong with the muscles at the rear (internal oblique abdominal, medial glutial, cranial sartoris, gluteus superficial, bicep feroria, semi tendinous. It also gives a good tuck up to the following muscles(external oblique abs, straight abdominal, ascending pectoral, and legs (digital extensor, medial tricept, lateral tricept.
It's not only for SBT's -we had a poodle on it the other week and much to its owners astonishment, the dog loved it.