Radio Receivers for France/Spain

Mar 21, 2007
In most of Western France , Spain and even Portugal you will get Radio 4 on long wave, a bit crackley but ok. gets worse the further east you go.
Mar 14, 2005
It depends what BBC channels you are referring to. Certainly in southern France and Spain you would need a short wave radio and even then you would be limited to receiving the BBC World Service. If you want to receive all the usual programmes that you are used to (Radio 1, Radio 2, etc.) the only way is by broadband internet streaming. In that case, you will need a computer with WiFi facility and not a radio.
Radio 4, for example, can be played by klicking on this link.
Mar 14, 2005
Lutz said:
It depends what BBC channels you are referring to. Certainly in southern France and Spain you would need a short wave radio and even then you would limited to receiving the BBC World Service. If you want to receive all the usual programmes that you are used to (Radio 1, Radio 2, etc.) the only way is by broadband internet streaming. In that case, you will need a computer with WiFi facility and not a radio.

But just we aware that some content will be blocked using your computer abroad particularly things like sporting events where they are licensed to different countries. Another option is a satellite dish and receiver which will pick up both TV and radio, you would just need a radio with the right connections.
Jul 15, 2008
......the best way to receive all the radio stations from the BBC and many other commercial stations in France and Spain is via a satellite TV receiver and Dish.
I use a Sky Freesat receiver and either a 55cms or a 100cms dish size appropriate for where I am pitched.
The reception is always crystal clear once locked on to the satellite.
If I miss something (I am an Archers Fan) then I use the Internet and any available podcasts.
Jul 11, 2006
Sad to say Bill, that may not last much longer. A couple of new sats are being put up and others will be moved around, the outcome of which will be a considerably tighter beam on the UK. When active it is suggested that a 60cm dish - which at the moment will work in most of France - will be useless much beyond Paris.


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