raskelf mattress toppers

Mar 26, 2008
Anyone tried these raskelf mattress toppers?If so whats your opinion? Are they as good as they make out in their adverts and what are they like for ease of storage?
May 2, 2006
Hello Christine,

Over the years Sue and I have had 4 mattress toppers, including one from Raskelf. In general they do a good job for the two of us, who suffer a bit of backache. There is no doubt that I have more pain and stiffness after a night without the mattress topper on.

However, the Raskelf one seemed to be pretty expensive compared to the others, and frankly I don't think it was any better at doing the job. Our last one came from Dunelm at a much lower price and is fine.

One work of warning is that they do make the bed a much warmer place - very welcome in the UK in Winter but less welcome near the med in Summer!


mike A


Jul 20, 2008

We also have a mattress topper but not Raskelf we obtained ours from Jonic, it's brilliant and ideal for my husband who also suffers with a bad back, our decission to go with Jonic was that they are a little cheaper but we also visited the stand at the NEC and the staff expained everything to us, but did not force a sale, gave us the details to order online at our leisure.

Mar 26, 2008
Hi all! many thanks for your responses! I have been thinking about getting a topper for sometime now but as usual it a question of "which one".Having never used/had one,its abit of a minefield trying not to pay over the odds when a cheaper version does the same job.The ad for raskelf stated that it rolled up to 29 inches and since space is a premium in my van it seemed ideal.Do any of your different brands/makes either match or better this?
Aug 31, 2008
Hi all! many thanks for your responses! I have been thinking about getting a topper for sometime now but as usual it a question of "which one".Having never used/had one,its abit of a minefield trying not to pay over the odds when a cheaper version does the same job.The ad for raskelf stated that it rolled up to 29 inches and since space is a premium in my van it seemed ideal.Do any of your different brands/makes either match or better this?
Hi Christine,

we have a covered foam mattress pad from Ikea that cost under
Apr 4, 2005
Hi Christine

I had my original topper from Raskelf and although it was good it was rather expensive in my opinion. I later bought the added Duvalay cover with quilt which I did think was good, although the quality of the cover was disappointing as it pilled very quickly. I found it did roll well for storage but I found it rather heavy to handle. I then decided to try a polar foam topper from QVC. This was cheaper, slightly cooler, though not that much, but definitely lighter to roll and handle when storing under the bed. Hope this helps. In terms of comfort, they do make a BIG difference.


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