Re-activation of a previous forum member

Jan 15, 2011
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Hello to all forum members and compliments of the season to everyone.
It's quite a while since I have been active on the site although I have dipped in occasionally to see what's happening.
Anyone who remembers me will probably recall that I am deaf.
Well to a degree that situation is now greatly relieved by an operation to fit me with a Cochlear Implant and I am now coming up to the one year anniversary.
The difference it has made to my life is tremendous I can hold conversations without endless repeats and in certain circumstances with the aid of an additional bit of technology I can have telephone conversations.
I still have issues in noisy situations but that's nothing to how it was before.

I am now coming up the age of driving licence renewal (70) and have decided to follow the instructions on the DVLA Website. I have come to an abrupt halt though when I got to a section that said:- if I wish to retain authority to drive vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes or minibuses up to 16 seats or trailers then I would need to use various forms and continue by post.
Fortunately I've no reason of inclination to retain this ability. However the text then said that if I continued using the on line renewal I would only be issued with a standard car licence.
I do currently hold a motorcycle licence and of course tow a caravan so I'm wondering/hoping that these won't be affected.
Ive spent a good while trying the various DVLA phone numbers but all I can get is recorded messages and none seem to answer my querie.
So I'm wondering if other forum members have had the same situation. Also if the on line service was ok or did they need to use an alternative method of retaining their licence entitlements.
I do intend at this stage trying again after the holidays to raise someone at the DVLA offices to ask but thought I would try for any first hand experience other forum members may have.
All best wishes to everyone


Sep 20, 2011
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Until I reached age 70 I had '7.5 ton' C1 and C1E driving-licence entitlements that I had never needed to make use of. I also had a full motorcycle "A" entitlement.

As (like you) I had decided that I would not require the C1 and C1E entitlements after age 70, this allowed me to use the DVLA's on-line procedure that you are asking about.

My driving licence photo-card indicates that I now have (age 75 and counting) the following entitlements


and for motorcycles




So using the DVLA 's on-line procedure should be fine for you and you should retain your motorbike entitlement. (Best to check when you get the new photo-card though...)

This link may also help

Jan 15, 2011
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Until I reached age 70 I had '7.5 ton' C1 and C1E driving-licence entitlements that I had never needed to make use of. I also had a full motorcycle "A" entitlement.

As (like you) I had decided that I would not require the C1 and C1E entitlements after age 70, this allowed me to use the DVLA's on-line procedure that you are asking about.

My driving licence photo-card indicates that I now have (age 75 and counting) the following entitlements


and for motorcycles




So using the DVLA 's on-line procedure should be fine for you and you should retain your motorbike entitlement. (Best to check when you get the new photo-card though...)

This link may also help

Thank you Hobbyt600
It sounds like I'm concerned needlessly! I'm going to go ahead with the on line procedure and like you suggest make sure the new card when it arrives shows the correct information.

I've still got the old folded pink licence (without photo ID) that I was issued after an address change in 1977. So I suppose it's about due to be brought up to date.

All best wishes
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Sep 20, 2011
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I had not anticipated that your present driving licence would still be the paper version rather than a photo-card licence.

Your after-age-70 licence will be the photo-card type, and to produce this the DVLA will need a recent photo of you. I think the on-line procedure can handle this provided that you have a valid UK passport that has a reasonably up-to-date photo of you on it, but when I needed a replacement driving licence at age 70 I already had the photo-card variety.

The DVLA Form D46P (that you probably have) may advise on the paper-licence issue. If not, the on-line DVLA procedure will stop you if your paper-licence means that you have to apply by post.
Jan 15, 2011
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I had not anticipated that your present driving licence would still be the paper version rather than a photo-card licence.

Your after-age-70 licence will be the photo-card type, and to produce this the DVLA will need a recent photo of you. I think the on-line procedure can handle this provided that you have a valid UK passport that has a reasonably up-to-date photo of you on it, but when I needed a replacement driving licence at age 70 I already had the photo-card variety.

The DVLA Form D46P (that you probably have) may advise on the paper-licence issue. If not, the on-line DVLA procedure will stop you if your paper-licence means that you have to apply by post.

I've read that the details I submit regarding my passport may enable them to use the same picture.
So fingers crossed really. I'm going to sit and go through the application in the morning so hopefully my seven year old picture will be ok.🤞🤞
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Mar 14, 2005
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I have checked the information the CC published on the link Hobbyt600 gave, and I believe it is correct regarding the towing limits. However it is dated 2009, and there have been some minor alterations to some licence entitlements since then, but non that restrict the B or BE entitlements. Basically you will still be able to tow any commercially available touring caravan with any normal domestic vehicle under the B and BE entitlements as before.
Jan 19, 2002
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Fantastic to read your post and that you are able to make use of your hearing through the recent cochlea implant. I guess you may be surprised at some things you can hear - doesn't Velcro make a crazy noise! - but conversing with relative ease must be tremendous for you! Have a terrific 2020 and on into the next decade!


May 7, 2005
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I would strongly recommend that you make a quality scan of your old licence before you come to the surrendering it bit; I have heard of mistakes being made in the entitlements and a struggle to rectify them.
Mine went through at 70, 73 and 76 "hitchlessly " , but best be armed with a basis to argue from.

As has been said given your test pass predated 1997 then caravanning is not impacted, the B+E is retained an you can tow any sensibly matched van you want with any "car" you could own. That does not include the over 3500 kg GVW pick ups etc and the likes og over 3500 kg GVW motorhomes.

Congratulations also on reaching 70, age brings its issues , but my moto is and always has been " it is a lot better than the alternative", go an make the most of it.
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Jan 15, 2011
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I would strongly recommend that you make a quality scan of your old licence before you come to the surrendering it bit; I have heard of mistakes being made in the entitlements and a struggle to rectify them.
Mine went through at 70, 73 and 76 "hitchlessly " , but best be armed with a basis to argue from.

As has been said given your test pass predated 1997 then caravanning is not impacted, the B+E is retained an you can tow any sensibly matched van you want with any "car" you could own. That does not include the over 3500 kg GVW pick ups etc and the likes og over 3500 kg GVW motorhomes.

Congratulations also on reaching 70, age brings its issues , but my moto is and always has been " it is a lot better than the alternative", go an make the most of it.
Thank you JTQ.
I've successfully completed the on line form this morning also received an email confirmation with transaction number. The form and confirmation email both request that I cut my old licence in half and return it to them.
I'll probably do that later today I have already scanned and printed my old document also taken a photo of both sides using my iPad. Hopefully won't be needed but better to be prepared.
All best wishes
Jan 15, 2011
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Welcome back to the forum Brian, and congratulations on your implant.
You know now that you have no excuse to ignore your better half !!!!, and she knows too !!!!!;)
Yes Damian I have to pretend the battery has expired but of course she is now wise to that one.
I'm not sure if you remember but you contacted Arc Systems on my behalf quite a while ago when I was struggling to get through via email. The results being a refurbished burner for my water heater. I'm pleased to say it is still working fine. The new technology allows me to use the phone again but I don't hear as crisply as I would like but with a sympathetic ear at the other end I'm able to understand most of what's said.
It may sound over dramatic but the difference to my everyday life is brilliant.
All best wishes for the coming New Year.
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Nov 12, 2009
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Welcome back Brian!
I'm sorry that I can't help with the licence query, I have another two years before I have to renew mine, but it's good to see that your cochlear implant has been a success.
Happy New Year 😊
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Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Brian.
I can imagine what it is like in your household now when you pretend the batteries are dead and your good lady produces new ones as she anticipated your deception.....:LOL:

Yes I remember your problem with your heater burner, and am glad that Gary was able to supply a new item to keep you going.

As far as your implant goes I can only imagine it has had the same kind of effect as when I had my cataracts done and the difference in vision, in my case, was unbelievable, much like your expeience.
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Nov 16, 2015
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Welcome, back to the forum Brian. I have the dilema with my licence in another 2 years, wifey already says i am going deaf, but that is selective hearing and her mumbiling. Looking forward to seeing you at a Woosiefest.
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Jan 15, 2011
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hello again and thank you for all your comments.
As usual I was worrying needlesley. I was amazed to find in this mornings post my "New Licence" with thankfully all the required categories included.
I'm presuming the system must be fully automated for it to have been processed so quickly.
Of course I have now lost the authority to drive larger vehicles but not having required that for over five years now it is no great loss.
My best wishes to all


Sep 20, 2011
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3 weeks after my wife had applied on-line for an 'age 70' driving licence, the new licence had still not appeared. She phoned the DVLA and a replacement licence arrived a couple of days later. The original licence (assuming it was ever sent) never turned up. Generally the system seems to work well - but not always...

For what it's worth, it is possible to reinstitute a C1 entitlement without needing to take any form of driving test, though it will, of course, be necessary to meet the more stringent medical requirements and to pass the appropriate medical examination.
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Sep 20, 2011
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If your friend's forum account is still valid and he can remember the user-name used in the past, he should be able to use the normal login procedure and follow the 'forgotten password' guidance.

If your friend's forum account was genuinely disabled and his user-name deleted/blocked (whatever) he should be able to register as a new forum user and (presumably) need to choose a different user-name when doing so.
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Nov 12, 2009
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A friend of mine has an old account here but he forgot the password and his account was disabled, what should he do?
Accounts are never disabled unless the account holder was banned and the ban hasn't been rescinded.
All members of the old Practical Caravan forum who sign in for the first time on this upgraded version need to follow the Forgotten Password procedure so that their forum account here can be linked to their email address.
If your friend has difficulty logging in to this forum ask them to contact me and I'll try to help.
If the account was suspended on the old forum I'll be happy to look into it so that your friend can start afresh if need be.
Oct 17, 2010
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I have today, re-applied of my licence, the third time. Pass test before 1997 and I retained all the concessions. never bothered to apply for C1 the first time.
They said up to 14 days.

Just had a thought, I have cut my old licence in half and sent to the DLVA, What is the procedure if I'm stopped tomorrow and I'm asked for my Licence.? Do I just say I will produce when it arrives?
Nov 11, 2009
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I have today, re-applied of my licence, the third time. Pass test before 1997 and I retained all the concessions. never bothered to apply for C1 the first time.
They said up to 14 days.

Just had a thought, I have cut my old licence in half and sent to the DLVA, What is the procedure if I'm stopped tomorrow and I'm asked for my Licence.? Do I just say I will produce when it arrives?
Police can access it online quicker than you could find it in your wallet.
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