Rear Panel Damage - repair or replace?

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Nov 11, 2009
The choice is yours. If the other insurer confirms the will meet the repair costs based on the estimate, then they are obliged to do so meaning there should be no risk there. If further damage is found after stripping both insurers would want to check that so again it should not provide a problem. I suspect delays in getting the parts could be the main one but you are approaching a quieter period for the workshops so they might be more keen to do the work at the moment.
Back in 2018 my rear panel was ordered in December 2017 and arrived for fitting at the Swift dealership in May 2018.
Jun 16, 2020
Back in August I ordered a rear high level marker light. Common to many vans and made in Germany. They now think I will have it in November.

Sign of the times.

Aug 31, 2021
Spoke to my insurers who said that there should be no problem accepting the cheque as the third party insurers have admitted liability and are therefore responsible for the full repair. They also said if additional work is discovered then a new quote would be required and the third party insurers may want to inspect before they approve. My insurers can get involved if there are any issues, but this is highly unlikely. The main issue after an accident is determining who's fault it is and this is where I would definitely need my insurer to get involved to pay for the repairs and then fight for the claim. Luckily for me has been straight forward.

Spoke to my dealer and the third part insurer who all said similar to the above.

For me, if there is a next time, I would prob go via my insurance company, but I am too far down the road as the cheque is coming next week and the caravan is now booked in. Plus, based on the calls, I am confident all will be sorted.
Jun 20, 2005
Many thanks for the update. Hope all repairs are completed to your satisfaction


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