Recent convert

Mar 24, 2014
We had a Bailey senator s5 before and it was alright but everything started falling apart. We were in our local dealer and had a look through the new Baileys but really disappointed at the rubbish build quality and layouts of the range. But then we came across the new Elddis range and after being in a few, knew straight away that the Avante was the van for us and promptly put down a deposit.



Nov 12, 2009
It looks a cracker, I hope that you have many happy times in it. :cheer:
Apr 29, 2012
Glad you like your Avante. We bought the Affinity and I was wondering if you use a porch awning and if so which make, as weve found the space between the door/window is too tight for such as the Ventura Cadet/Isabella with rear leg pads.
Our Affinity is back with the dealers for the warrenty repairs to be done.
Have you had any trouble with the TV wiring/tuning?
Aug 15, 2011
I have had nothing but trouble with the new avtex ariel.
I was told it had been changed but it still didn't work and is currently back in for more warranty work.
Feb 12, 2010
I have an Affinity which is now 2 years old. The Avtex aerial worked well until 2 months ago but now I can hardly get any reception. How did you resolce the problem?
Nov 12, 2013
squigglycrayon said:
We had a Bailey senator s5 before and it was alright but everything started falling apart. We were in our local dealer and had a look through the new Baileys but really disappointed at the rubbish build quality and layouts of the range. But then we came across the new Elddis range and after being in a few, knew straight away that the Avante was the van for us and promptly put down a deposit.

It looks great – may you enjoy many happy holidays in it.
Mar 14, 2005
I've had my Avante 540 for just over two years now and although I like the layout and the overall simplicity of the van, have to say i've had more trouble with it that all the caravans I've owned since 1967 put together.
Latest has been with supplied Avtex TV. Used to work well, now not at all. Set OK on home antenna so fault must be in the caravan. Whip type antenna not listed on Avtex site and no longer sold. F type connectors not easy to check for the amateur.

Other faults too numerous to mention. Dealer and factory service - must not comment.
Apr 29, 2012
We bought a 2014 Affinity 550 in July 14. Straight from the factory van and had numerous faults which were resolved in 3 months.
However since then the shower had to be totally cut out replaced as shower tray cracked and in July reported front panel cracked and last month reported the Heki sky light is crazing.
Yes the Avtex aerial is as good as the shed Elddis throw out of their premises.
Mar 14, 2005
14 months since my last post. Since then RCD in caravan and main PCB in Whale space heater replaced, two cracks developed at bottom outside corners of rear panel, roof vents have had to be completely dismantled to clean - dust gets in between top and lower surface - very poor design - fastener on toilet room roof vent broke off, washroom door handle fell apart (again). No wonder PE prices are rock bottom.
May 7, 2012
I hate to say it but if you read the PC annual surveys you will see why we would not go for an Eldiss.
Sep 5, 2016
Do caravanners who buy Hymer caravans ever get a problems with their purchase, it always seems that anytime their is a moan about build quality it is Brit built caravans, not that I'm defending British built caravans , if I had the money for a new Hymer and also a car to pull it I would jog off to Lowdhams and say I'll have that one,
May 7, 2012
Given Hymer use largely the same equipment as the UK makers they must have a fair level of problems from them. Not sure they leak as much though but at that price they should not..
Mar 14, 2005
As Ray hints at in his reply, Most European caravan manufacturers use many of the same suppliers as the UK for OEM equipment.

Having worked 20 years before retiring in 2000 for a supplier of OEM equipment in the UK, I was in a position to make an informed assessment of the faults on our appliances.

It must be noted that of the total annual tourer sales continental marques represent a very small (but growing) percentage of sales. It is usually dangerous to make generalised comparative statement with such a disparity of sample sizes, but in this instance there were traits that may be tell a story.

When surveying all reported faults (UK & Continental)there were three generalised headings they could fall under:
:angry: Appliance not working,
:eek:hmy: Parts missing from appliance,
:S Damaged appliance.

With UK caravans the spread of reports covered all three categories, but continental caravans are heavily biased to the just the "appliance not working"

After investigation the underlying reasons were hopefully exposed, and they could be categorised as:

:( Appliance complete, installed correctly but defective.
:unsure: Customer using wrong operating procedure.
:eek:hmy: Appliance installed incorrectly preventing it from working
:blush: Appliance incomplete allowing partial or no operation
:S Appliance damaged.
:evil: Incorrect appliance fitted.

Again for the UK built caravans there was a broad spread across the categories, but for continental there is a strong bias to the top two categories.

Our company was at the forefront of appliance manufacturing processes and we were satisfied that product leaving our factory had been fully tested for operation and safety. We were alarmed at the numbers of our appliance being returned by manufacturers and when they reached the final customer. We identified that in many cases the problems with our appliances were being created by the installation by the manufacturer.

so we set about trying to identify the reasons. This involved visiting all the UK manufacturers and to look at their product handling and installation processes.

We worked with the caravan manufacturers to introduce protective palettes so that storage and handling can be managed in easy product quantities.

We split the appliance engines from the cosmetic parts so they could be moved in bulk to be assemble at different part of the their productions lines.

Despite these and other innovations we still received damaged product back from the manufacturers with them claiming they were "faulty" - yes becasue some pallets had been skewered by a lift truck blades, and others were full of water becasue they'd been left outside in the rain! Products had parts removed from them, others had foot prints and dents. Other were filled with products from other OEM manufacturers!

It's all down to Quality Control at the caravan manufacturers, or more to the point lack of it. We supplied quality assured products, and they just didn't look after them. Admittedly this was twenty odd years ago, but the same issues still seem to arise, so I wonder if anything has really changed that much.

There were bad and better manufacturers here in the UK and I'm sure the same applies to the Continent, but on the basis of what I saw back then, I'd have greater confidence in some of the Continental caravan manufacturers products.
Sep 10, 2014
We're very new to caravan ownership,,but our very first observation was Lack of Quality Control,,there just doesn't seem to be any.
May 7, 2012
pensioner said:
We're very new to caravan ownership,,but our very first observation was Lack of Quality Control,,there just doesn't seem to be any.

The priorities are churning them out, keeping the price down, keeping the weight down and making them look nice in the showroom. Quality control may not be there at all or may be last.


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