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Regional Humour


Nov 12, 2009
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This has nothing to do with caravanning and the link that I include may navigate to some mildly offensive language so if easily offended don't click it.
We had a great night out in Birmingham last night, when we were entertained by Black Country heroine Doreen Tipton.
Her material features typical Black Country humour and to my mind it deserves a wider audience.
Bearing in mind my earlier comment regarding offence, Click Here to see if the humour travels well.
Are there examples of regional humour in your area?
Nov 11, 2009
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Crikey Parksy if I was an undergraduate I’d be demanding a safe space on the Forum! Great down to earth humour though. Thanks for the post.
May 7, 2012
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Basically unlike on here you presumably went knowing what you were getting. On that basis anyone who was offended has only them selves to blame. On here you do not have that choice so more care needs to be taken when posting, but having lived as far South as Bristol and as far North as Glasgow with Halifax and Newcastle in the mix, I can appreciate humour from most places.


Nov 12, 2009
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Raywood said:
Basically unlike on here you presumably went knowing what you were getting. On that basis anyone who was offended has only them selves to blame. On here you do not have that choice so more care needs to be taken when posting, but having lived as far South as Bristol and as far North as Glasgow with Halifax and Newcastle in the mix, I can appreciate humour from most places.

Which is exactly why I warned those who may be easily offended not to click the link :angry:
Aug 23, 2009
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Certainly not offended by it and it's good to see a bit of non PC stuff still being out there. I wouldn't say it caught my attention particularly. Lucy certainly thought bits of it were funny but Lady Therapy didn't really get it at all but we all know what these Devonians are like. She may laugh about midnight when she catches up.

It followed our discussion about not being able to say anything these days without causing offence to some sensitive bunny.


Mar 14, 2005
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WoodlandsCamper said:
Perhaps a Moderator could move this thread from New Members to a different category? ;) :eek:hmy: :lol:

Yes I agree that it should have been moved so its done.
Sep 29, 2016
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I had seen that sketch before, it was marking a topical point with humour, nothing in it to offend me, very tame, and I enjoyed it.

Daren't post a regional example based on Billy Connolly; I was chastised (and post removed) for posting a Dick Emery skit, don't want to risk be barred :p

Parksy did give a caution to warn the most sensitive of forum members, more than was perhaps necessary given the content therein.

it's up to the Mods, it's their show and their call, but couldn't we allow things to breathe a little?
Nov 16, 2015
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The thread is in Chit Chat , and Parksy mentioned that anyone that could be offended should not look,
Thanks Parksy for a bit off local humour. .
Much appreccieted.
Hutch and Elaine.
Nov 11, 2009
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If anyone likes Australian humour try Clarke and Dawe “The ship that had the front fall off”. Not offensive just very funny. They do a whole series of skit interviews.
Jul 11, 2015
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Another comedic satirist is Jonathan Pie, an out of work actor who created the persona. He went to Russia and got a film crew and editing team to create skits on all things political. Each clip takes the form of a TV presenter finishing his piece to camera then returns to the studio and goes off on one to his anchor.

Very similar to the Steve Coogan character Alan Partridge, not that I've seen that one.

Lots of 'stars' are calling him the next big thing.

There are some choice words, but very funny none the less. However, as usual context is key and should you be a delicate wallflower, probably not your bag as they say.

Aug 23, 2009
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I don't think anyone would call me a shrinking violet. Only watched the Australia one so far but will be dipping in to youtube for a few more Jonathon Pie moments. Clarke and Dawe too.

Keep them coning chaps :cheer:
Jul 11, 2015
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Martin24 said:
I don't think anyone would call me a shrinking violet. Only watched the Australia one so far but will be dipping in to youtube for a few more Jonathon Pie moments. Clarke and Dawe too.

Keep them coning chaps :cheer:

The pay rise and Grenfell ones are particularly pertinent.

Our Xmas pressie to each other this year are tickets to see him live in the spring at our local cultural venue, the Anvil.
Nov 16, 2015
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Devonboy said:
Martin24 said:
Hutch, I don't think Jethro has ever done a bad one. Always hilarious send it to me too please.

We used to go out to his club at Lewdown. My father in law couldn't get enough.

My Father in law was from Hale in Cornwall and had my sense of humour, so we loved Jethro, as I am a Scot loved the humour of Billy Conlley, with his reflection on life.
But they are not everyones sense of humour.


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