regulator spanner

Aug 11, 2005
What size is the spanner supposed to be for a regulator for a 47 kg gas bottle?I've been given one with my first static van and it ain't a great fit.
Mar 14, 2005
Can't help you with the size, but what you've got is probably a thin steel thing which slips off easily with consequent damage to knuckles. Take it to a car boot sale and find an old ring spanner of the same size, then cut out enough of the ring to pass over the gas tube etc. and cut off the shank of the ring spanner to approx. the same length as the thin one - don't leave too long, or you may extert too much torque when tightening. You will find this spanner will not slip.
Mar 14, 2005
Can't help you with the size, but what you've got is probably a thin steel thing which slips off easily with consequent damage to knuckles. Take it to a car boot sale and find an old ring spanner of the same size, then cut out enough of the ring to pass over the gas tube etc. and cut off the shank of the ring spanner to approx. the same length as the thin one - don't leave too long, or you may extert too much torque when tightening. You will find this spanner will not slip.
What an good idea Ray.Im off to a boot sale asap

Aug 11, 2005
Can't help you with the size, but what you've got is probably a thin steel thing which slips off easily with consequent damage to knuckles. Take it to a car boot sale and find an old ring spanner of the same size, then cut out enough of the ring to pass over the gas tube etc. and cut off the shank of the ring spanner to approx. the same length as the thin one - don't leave too long, or you may extert too much torque when tightening. You will find this spanner will not slip.
Many thanks for the tip Ray, Cheers


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