Removing old Jokon high level brake light

Jan 27, 2019
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[size=4[ Hi again, all. New problem this time. The Jokon high-level brake light on my Adria caravan only has half the LEDs working. It's easy to see how to change it BUT the original unit is stuck onto the rear panel and then screwed. I've got the two screws out, but the old Jokon unit is still stuck fast. I'm reluctant to pull too hard in case I crack the shell of the rear panel of the caravan. Anybody got any ideas? Judicious and careful use of Stanley knife to cut around the unit between the unit itself and the rear panel? /size]
Jan 19, 2002
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Is it glue or is it mastic that affixes the light unit? If it is mastic you could try either a heated palette knife or a cheese wire to cut between the unit and the caravan bodywork.
Sep 29, 2016
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Bit like one of auidiorob's suggestions this one, use strong fishing line (20lb breaking strain) and saw through the adhesive.

Car brake cleaner is a good solvent for some types of adhesives, it might help to keep squirting some on the work area as you progress.
Jan 19, 2002
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If it's mastic that has aged you might find that beneath the surface is still quite gooey. gentle heat from a hairdryer or a good hot sunny day will also help. If using the fishing line try a piece of dowel with an appropriate threading hole and knotted on each end - rather after the style of a duffel coat toggle - thus operating efficiently without pulling tight on your fingers!


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