Mar 16, 2005
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I have moved this thread from the UK Parks forum as it was not really relevant to that title.



12 May 2006 10:39 AM

It seems there is no repect and simple understanding that others have different views and ideas on here.

And again total lack of respect from the MOD.

If people play with words they end up hurting themselves!

Brian and Lol will no doubt be glad that I'm moving on. We found our place in France through some friends after Easter so hope to have a new life by the year end.

At least I will be where others have a little more respect for others and kids and parents spend more time together.

ps. Berkshire house for sale offices and workshops,4 car garage, room for plenty of caravans completely hidden from roads.

Offers in excess of £2.8 million

You could even hold you next meet here and fight to your hearts content.


12 May 2006 10:43 AM Hi cris

I for one would like to wish you all the best in your new life, I will carry on enjoying mine as I always do,with my children, hope your move goes smoothly for you,and france will be beautiful. I too am not going to post on here anymore as I feel it is now all very "false"

All caravanners together my ****

Hope to see SOME of you on site (Lisa u got my e-mail hun!)

All the best and travel safe ! x

Read these comments

I'll email you tonight. Lisa xx.... posted 12 May 2006 11:32 AM by LMH

K xx.... posted 12 May 2006 11:53 AM by Tina


12 May 2006 11:02 AM Tina, thanks and good luck to you and everyone else.

It is very false on here, even when you give serious considered advice some dingbat whinger will twist it to alife threatening scenario.

Mention DIY and somebody has to throw up OOH let the pro's do it and rip your right arm off.

My good lady and I took a big gamble years ago on land and home and worked hard building our house with compliments of all tradesmen and building inspectors.

Yet mention touching a tow bar and bang you are into the realms of fantasy land with comments that get posted.

Respect others on camp sites because what is acceptable behaviour to you may not be acceptable to them.

And forget asking questions on here, learn by your mistakes like I did with our Caravans. Just go around the dealers and try out a few vans at a weekend and don't listen to others, do it your way and ypu will be more content.

ps, If all goes well and to plan we will be open for select caravanners in 2008.

Intoduce yourself, I am the Really Big nice guy and I may rip the arms and legs off of any troublesome parents or their kids even ;-)


12 May 2006 11:06 AM Tina

Sorry to see you go I hope you will come back at a later time.

My wife will miss you has well



Read these comments

mark thankyou,I know my children wound.... posted 12 May 2006 11:52 AM by Tina


12 May 2006 11:21 AM Well Cris

France I do not like but it all to there own but I would love to build my Owen house.

Good look with it all

I thick you mite have gone a bit wrong with Brian and Lol has you see to like a joke as well and they were just wined you as you so time do to other.



12 May 2006 11:44 AM I'm following Tina. Not going to post on here at least for a while, maybe indefinately. I was disgusted with some of the posts I saw yesterday.

It was nice to have had some banter with the genuine people over the past year or two.

You lot take care and have safe travels wherever you go.



12 May 2006 11:57 AM Good luck Lisa.

My daughters young mastif show dog acted up in the ring and wouldn't want to trot around.

She put a piece of strong cheddar in her hand as she held the lead and he went as a happy as larry, she shows him the cheese before he enters now, swaps it into a pocket and off he goes ;-)

Taking our Dogs are off to be chipped and whatever ready for pet passport. They will have their own small lake and a pool in a few months time and acres more land to menace any French bunnies on ;-(

Good luck for the future.


12 May 2006 12:25 PM Thanks cris - tried the food treat, no avail.

Just like to say it was great to have had banter with some of you over the past year or so especially Lol, Tina, Mark, emmerson, Lord B, Brian, Graham W, Ann, chrissyLizzie.

Next time you see a t*********s site, call in, I may be living with them!

Lisa xx


12 May 2006 12:33 PM Lisa

You not gone yet!!!!!!!!!!!

Only kidding love, I think its a great shame that you feel this way and it will be a worse place without you (YOU AND ALL TINA)

Personally I would not let the rantings of a few influence me at all and will continue to participate when appropriate. Certainly last night's episode was not one of those times.
Jun 7, 2005
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You not gone yet!!!!!!!!!!!

Only kidding love, I think its a great shame that you feel this way and it will be a worse place without you (YOU AND ALL TINA)

Personally I would not let the rantings of a few influence me at all and will continue to participate when appropriate. Certainly last night's episode was not one of those times.

Re posted cos Mr Mod moved it
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes, perhaps it is time to give it a rest. Summer is here, it's a good time to be doing other things.

I still have the party tent from the meet, it's no good to me, sort out amongst yourselves who wants it, and drop me an email.
Mar 21, 2005
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Where's my post gone - I submitted it and the menu said I'd posted but it's not here !

Forgotten what I said now but something like, Cris, Tina and Lisa, I'll be sorry to see you go. I've enjoyed reading your posts, some serious, some having a rant and some having me rolling on the floor with laughter.

Respect is something that sadly is becoming a distant memory in our society and I was shocked to see a seemingly small incident escalate out of all proportion (in my opinion anyway, but I wasn't there so can't really comment). I have absolutely no problem with any of the people involved in the "Respect" thread and am not saying I think any of them was wrong. I just hate it when people fall out :-(

Cris, I hope you have a fantastic time in your new life and Tina and Lisa, I hope I'll meet up with either of you somewhere on a site as you both sound lots of fun.

Take care


copied it this time in case it disappears again :)
Mar 21, 2005
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12 May 2006 02:07 PM I stopped posting some time ago, I couldn't be arsed with all the snide comments and personal abuse either.

Glad to see others following my footsteps. Eventualy the bullies and self opinionated will have this forum to them selves, maybe they'll start on each other then.

Yeah, but you're back Pete! Been lurking in the background all this time eh :)

Anyway, welcome back, hope the others "follow your footsteps" as well and change their minds.

Mar 14, 2005
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I knew it would all end in tears. Like you other forum users I stopped posting on here over twelve months ago for the very same reasons as all of you have stated.

However, what you will find interesting is that I suggested in one of my latter postings that you regulars should all meet up and sort out your differences "face to face". Well I notice that you went ahead with my suggestion but didn't sort out your differences "face to face" and the "back stabbing" didn't start until some time later, and now your dirty washing is online for all to see.

This is my first posting for almost a year, it's good to see nothing has changed. I'm a firm believer in doing my own thing and paddling my own canoe. I don't go on hols with family or friends, it always ends in conflict. Does this mean next years PC online group venture abroad is now cancelled then?
Apr 11, 2005
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Moderator1 "NO RESPECT" thread

12 May 2006 09:16 AM

What a thread! 117 posts in one thread in 24 hours. Must be a record.

I started to sift through to weed out the personal and abusive stuff but as ever became bogged down in interpreting what was 'over the line'. This in turn leads to complaints like, "But he said xxxx to me first."

I came to the conclusion that it was an impossible job, and that the whole thread had degenerated into an embarrassing slanging match that brought caravanners and the recent users meet into disrepute.

Sorry, but the only viable option was to clear out the lot! Apologies to all those who posted constructive comments.


12 May 2006 09:24 AM Quite frankly Mod 1.

Not good enough !

This world is not a nicy nicy smiley place as some would have us believe.

And the facts are that some need to looke very carefuly at how they and their families act on campsites.

You wiped out some good stuff yet again.

So maybe their were a few small underlying probs at the Lickhill meet.

Best they were out in the open now, I couldn't see that PC did a lot to help re the meet. So why get in a twist about it now!


12 May 2006 09:40 AM Thanks Mod

I am glad you deleted the postings. As I was the person who initiated the Easter meet and organised most of it, I found the content of SOME of the postings to be embarrassing and childish to say the least.




12 May 2006 10:57 AM Thanks Moderator 1


We had a grate time at the meet it was the fist we had been we did not now what we were going to get but it was grate.

I thick you did a very good job as well run it as it was you fist time.

Just let use now when you do the nest one and we look forwarded to see you soon.



P, S,

One bit did up set me was when your dog did not won't to come on a walk with me and the kids and Bess. :-(


12 May 2006 11:27 AM Hi Mark

Thanks for your support, it's appreciated. Emma and I enjoyed the weekend too.

Sorry about Gaylord, he's very sensitive. He is walking well now apart from when we are practising for the show ring. He's got a show coming up in three weeks but I might have to withdraw him as he refuses point blank to do the circuit. They (judges) do tell me he will grow out of it soon!

Lisa xx


12 May 2006 12:23 PM i thick i mite be going has well i be thick of it for so time now.

Oct 27, 2005
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Can someone tell me what is going on. I don't post that often, I couldn't go to the Easter meet as it would have been our first trip and we felt it was too far away. I have logged on today, seen that everyone is leaving, Tina, Lisa etc, all who have given me advice before. What happened at Easter and why has everyone fallen out.

From a very confused Denise.
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi Denise and all

I too am very confused arrived back from Newbury Show to see what has been happening and read a few threads and find all the good contributors have left or are leaving.

What on earth happened? I do not write very much but I have to say I really enjoyed reading what you all had to say.

I will miss you Tina, Lisa etc would someone not tell Denise and I what has happened? Even K***a did not cause this to happen.

Enjoy your life in France Chris I hope it all works out well for you.

Mar 14, 2005
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It all started as a personal difference following the Easter meet and got so twisted that Mr. Mod. stepped in and put a block on all postings referring to the misunderstanding. Hopefully it will be all forgotten and that all previous correspondants will return and the bad feeling will pass to all our advantages. I think we have all learned a lesson in what happened - the wise man makes a mistake, the fool makes the same mistake twice. I will say no more on this matter except come back all and lets return to the old jovial atmosphere that once existed.


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