Resurrecting old threads?

Mar 14, 2005
The forum has policy of not resurrecting old threads, yet we often see old threads being reopened usually by brand new correspondents, who have either not read the form's rules, or not understood them or are trying to deliberately pull a fast one or a scam. Regardless of the individuals reasons, it often requires one of our moderators to intervene and lock the thread to new posts.

Might I suggest the Forum techies look to see if there is any way that threads not posted too for more than whatever period is deemed reasonable are automatically locked with screen message to inform the viewer to consider opening a new thread, thus preventing old threads from being resurrected.
Jun 16, 2020
How old is old?

I resurrected an ‘old’ thread recently. It was about 10 months old. I was posting about car insurance renewal and I remembered there was an existing thread. The logic I used was by updating it I maintained context.

Is ‘old’ relative to the content?

I have noticed very old threads being resurrected and often with no logic. Particularly when someone is offering advice to an OP from years ago who has not been active since. But it does not happen often. I think it tends to be from members who are not very familiar with how forums operate.

Nov 16, 2015
One point is that a NON forum member Does a Google search for say, Tyron bands, the search might come back with responses from Tyron, C&CC, Practical Caravans , etc. so they read the forum and respond, not knowing the forum rules about old threads. Myself I don't mind them being resurrected, as that person might just want the one answer.
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Oct 19, 2023
One point is that a NON forum member Does a Google search for say, Tyron bands, the search might come back with responses from Tyron, C&CC, Practical Caravans , etc. so they read the forum and respond, not knowing the forum rules about old threads. Myself I don't mind them being resurrected, as that person might just want the one answer.
Can non forum members respond to posts? I didn't think that they could.
I agree that resurrecting old threads isn't a big issue. Is it better to have an old thread resurrected or two separate threads on the same subject? I'd plump for the old thread and keep all relevant information together rather than spread it across multiple threads.
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Nov 11, 2009
Can non forum members respond to posts? I didn't think that they could.
I agree that resurrecting old threads isn't a big issue. Is it better to have an old thread resurrected or two separate threads on the same subject? I'd plump for the old thread and keep all relevant information together rather than spread it across multiple threads.
Non members cannot respond to Forum posts.
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