reversing camera

Feb 27, 2010
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just got one of these off fleabay "EW ROADMASTER VRBC300W WIRELESS REVERSING CAMERA KIT" for £44.0 .

Brilliant piece if kit. I have got 2 sets of mounts , one for the caravan and for reversing the car up to the hitch which i often have to do on my own.

Picture is very clear and on 2.4ghz it should not suffer from interferance.


Nov 12, 2009
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Since I fitted one to my car reversing up to the hitch has been a doddle.

Instead of the vague flapping of arms and shouted instructions which I could never hear Herself sits serenely in the passenger seat while I reverse smoothly up to the hitch with the towball ending up just underneath for a 'hole in one' every time.


My next job will be to get one for the rear of the caravan.
Feb 27, 2010
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i have ordered a spre camera to fit on the van.

I also want a programmable matrix for the caravan so as i drive and watch the irate motorist behind i can relay little messages such as " its okay im turning left"....... and then keep straight on.. oh the joy. :)

Or better still , a single raised finger scrolling across the screen :)
Jan 14, 2009
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Fitted both to my outfit but hard wired via an extra 7 pin - like Parksy says it makes hitching up a doddle - I too would like a matrix on the back window to advise fellow motorists of their shortcomings !

Parksy get one for the back of the van its great to be able to see that you really are clear to pull in (HGV drivers at least normally flash you - but with this you can see before they flash).

One tip I have learnt is that the monitor would be better sited on the dash by the NSF pillar as that's where you want to look to check your mirror - I am going to refit mine but here is a pic taken in a traffic queue (quality is better than this as its a pic of a pic).


Feb 27, 2010
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i picked the van up from storage tonight and the wireless works perfectly except for i got home when i had some picture break up, probably caused by all the wireless routers.

On the M18/M1 it was great.
Mar 14, 2005
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I've just fitted a cheapo Maplin wireless camera to the back of the caravan - 12v for the camera picked up in the van and 12v for the monitor from the lighter point in the car. Monitor is a bit small but hopefully will be better than no rear vision other than mirrors on long extension arms. Not yet tried on the road but should be good for seeing the tailgaters (including those with the pretty blue lights).
Don't need it for hitching, as lazy like I usually use the mover.


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