There is a growing debate about the recommended towing ratio.
For several years a number of contributors to this forum have questioned the long-standing recommendation that outfits should conform to an 85% ratio.
Whilst researching another topic, I came across this web page.
This is the first time that I have seen any authoritative body openly questioning the CC’s and C&CC now outdated position.
It is refreshing to see that others are now opening their eyes to the developments in automotive technology, rather than doggedly following traditions based on misguided belief that the clubs have a monopoly on the best practice.
It is a real shame that on the same page there is a link to the Towmatch web site, where the traditional myths (85% and never more that 100%) are perpetuated.
For several years a number of contributors to this forum have questioned the long-standing recommendation that outfits should conform to an 85% ratio.
Whilst researching another topic, I came across this web page.
This is the first time that I have seen any authoritative body openly questioning the CC’s and C&CC now outdated position.
It is refreshing to see that others are now opening their eyes to the developments in automotive technology, rather than doggedly following traditions based on misguided belief that the clubs have a monopoly on the best practice.
It is a real shame that on the same page there is a link to the Towmatch web site, where the traditional myths (85% and never more that 100%) are perpetuated.